The Four Day Weekend!

Feb 21, 2005 21:32

Okay its been a while again, but whatever! So I had originally requested Monday February 14th off to spend some quality time with the little lady. But she was going to a Cos-Play convention on the 18th so she couldn't take an extra day off. So my boss luckily asked me to move my day off and I decided to take off the 18th as Melissa was, so I could ensure that her car was in driving condition. Okay so Melissa paid a Girl at work to help her make her costume for this convention. Okay, actually I should probably tell what a Cos-Play convention is. Cos-Play stands for Costume Play and a bunch of Geeks...opps I mean folks get together and dress up like Anime and Video Game characters and show off how cool their costumes are. They also sell Anime and costumes there. Okay now back to this girl making Melissa's costume. Melissa gave her the fabric to build this Kimono back in September and she was here at the apartment Thursday night the night before the freakin convention finishing it. I mean how long do you actually need to do something like that if your given like 5 months. Not to mention the girl asked for more money then originally quoted. So needless to say it was a long night for Melissa. The next day Melissa got up and was on the road to Maryland by 10:30am. So there I was all alone for 3 days. The whole apartment to myself. Well, Friday night I went to see Constantine and if your asking me I really liked it! The story acting and special effects were great. Saturday got off my lazy ass and got my oil changed. Drove to Sears and got Pop a copy of IRobot with a gift card he gave me to get the DVD. Then stopped by Dads and chatted with my brother as my Pop fixed his oil switch in his car. Then came home and played a bit of Fable on my Xbox.

Okay so around 6:30pm I went into my computer room and started to rip some DVDs for Rob and my Pop. After I was done ripping I turned on Power DVD viewer to check out the rip jobs. Well my computer froze. I shut it off and turned it back on and the 17 inch flat LCD monitor just lite up white and then faded to black. And repeated this process for like 5 minutes. Now I could here the computer loading into windows so it wasn't the video card. So I said "Mother effer!" and boxed it up and drove back to Circuit City. So I return it and the girl at the returns counter asks me if I just want the same model. I say "Not really I'm kind of gun shy about the gateway monitors now!". She tell me she credits my account and says to go over and find another monitor I want and have the sales clerk just credit the new monitor to the account. Ok that sounds easy! Which it would have been if they had any other 17 inch flat LCDs in stock. They thought they might have a 17 inch Samsung open box but after 20 minutes of looking they couldn't find it. So I tell the guy just give me the Samsung 19 inch Flat CRT monitor. He then tells me I have to see the returns girl cause the Samsung 19 inch is cheaper than the 17" inch LCD I had originally bought. So the girl tells me that they don't normally let people buy a cheaper monitor on a return but since they didn't have any other monitors in stock that they would allow it. Oh thank freaking god they let that happen. I was about ready to unload on this chick since a simple return had now turned into an hour of my night. So they bring the monitor out to my car and I drive home carefully. I lug this damn monitor up my steps and into my computer room unpack it like the instructions say and I plug it in. I get nothing. So I check the VGA cable and the power cord. Its plugged in but it ain't doing anything else. I couldn't even get the Monitor menu for brightness. So I unplug it and plug it back in and then it starts to spark. So I grab the cord and immediately unplug it. Now I have wasted an hour at the store to find out they have no LCD monitors except the crappy Gateway I had. Then lugged this Monitor up 2 flights of steps only to find out that its busted. Oh I was pissed! So I go back tell them its busted and they don't know if they have another model of the one I just bought. So I tell the girl well if you don’t you're going to have to comp me for a 19 inch LCD then since that is all you have in stock! She says "Let me check and see if we have another Samsung 19 inch CRT." So lucky for her they did and I drive it home and lug up the damn steps again and it works. So I now have this nice Samsung 19 monitor that is way better then the LCD monitor I had before. Oh I also went dumpster diving for a video card my brother thought he threw out. But actually he hadn't received it in the mail yet!

Sunday was a wash I did nothing! and Monday I watched The Bourne Supremacy and Played Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. So not much to say. It's back to work tomorrow and the daily grind. It was nice while it lasted!

Take care all!
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