march camp 2007!

Mar 14, 2007 21:51


batch, we did it! we managed to pull it off, planning, execution, NIGHT SURPRISE; everything. im so proud of us, we charoodle-playing boboheads. (:
group 1 - you guys are like, so cool. you won amazing race! and we won for the skit! at first i was kind of unconfortable w the not being in a completely mixed group, but now im so glad it was done by squads, because you guys really helped me to just be myself, and enjoy everything that i was doing.
levites ARE THE BESTBESTBESTBESTBESTBEST. i love you people so much ahhh. and especially to yikai peiling ruot miao, thank you all for still being so enthu and everything despite not being with us in a levites group. you bunch are all so enthu and happy and crazy and so high about God that it just makes me glad. and i thank God for that, and for you people.

and it's over, and our term serving gb as leaders is slowly drawing to a close.

3 more months.
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