so here's what happened

Jan 13, 2010 10:37

It was Sunday night and we had decided to order some thai food from across the street. It was due to be ready around 6:35. So I went to lay on the couch with Alec until it was time. This was the last thing i remember.

The next thing I remember - it was dark and there was a lot of commotion. I felt like i was strapped down and i opened my eyes. what was happening? was this a nightmare? where was i? how did i get here? i tried to talk. where am i? where is alec? someone told me that i had been hit by a car. "again?" i said. the paramedics didnt get the joke. i faded out again and the next thing i knew they were cutting my jeans off me. that when i knew this was not a dream. the next several hours involved ct scans, xrays, medicine, vomitting,crying, and pain.

Based on what alec told me, we were crossing the street outside of our apartment. we live on a busy-ish street and have a 4 way intersection. we cross this street EVERYDAY. apparently there was an east-bound car that blew through the intersection and struck alec in the hip with the drivers side mirror. he fell to the ground and the car struck me. according to witnesses, i flew 20 ft in the air and landed in the street face down. alec told me when he looked at me i no longer had shoes or socks on. this guy must have hit me REALLY hard.

I think i may have sustained a concussion. OUCH and dizzyness. My tooth is cracked or ive chipped enamel off it. my eye is black and blue, i have a huge abrasion on my forehead and my mouth is just jacked up. My left fibula has a hairline fracture in it and possibly another on my knee. Since the bone that was fractured is not a weight bearing bone i didnt need a cast. Im on crutches for now and as soon as i can stand to put some weight on it i should. Im covered in bruises and feel dizzy every time i move my head. the painkillers that the doctor prescribed make me feel like barfing so im going to try to get through this with just ibuprofin for the inflammation.

heres the best part. I dont have insurance. i know these bills are going to be insane. i dont know who did this to me or how they could just drive away for that matter. and i dont know how its all going to get taken care of. i just know that im lucky as hell to be alive. this must be some kind of grand test.

so thats what happened you guys. i figured i could just type it all out and for those of you who dont know yet what happened, here it is.

Ill be staying with my parents for a little while since theres no way i can get up the 4 flights of stairs to my apt. Its probably for the best, they are taking great care of me. My phone was destroyed in the accident, so if you need to reach me you can either call alec's phone 512-695-0768 or just email me. Thank you so much to my family for taking such good care of me, and thanks to all of you who have visited, called, and sent over kind thoughts, prayers, and love.

accident, ouch, this sucks, concussion, no insurance

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