so. i had this great idea for a comic strip, but the only problem was to really make it work you had to see camr and vik full body. so.. here's a pic i drew, sans text, that may potentially become the first "panel" of this so-called strip
just carm and vik being.. carm and vik :D the text that's missing is her bitching about her jedi robes being way too huge, along with the saber (which is supposed to be ginormous), and how is she expected to fight and not trip and kill herself?? it's a joke based off of the fact that i like to tell people i'm the size of a full sized midget (i'm 5'4, and carm is loosely based offa me).. vik's plotting may be revealed if i ever get my ass to draw the other two "panels" :)
is it wrong that i absolutely LOVE drawing his hair???