Jan 15, 2009 17:20
OH MAN. Lots of stuff.
School started this week. I like all of my classes so far, but that's probably because it's the beginning of the semester. Genetics and Biochem are going to be my hardest classes, but I'm looking forward to both of them. I love genetics and biochem seems like it's going to be a lot better than organic. We'll see how that goes, though. Italian is fun per usual, and I HAVE IT WITH ABIGAIL! which makes it 10 X better. Sociology is going to be pretty sweet. I laughed for most of the class on the first day. We get to watch movies in there, too, and I've only see one of them (big surprise, right?)! I am also taking an online course which is a joke, I think. The hardest part so far has been figuring out how to set up the browser to take the quizzes or whatever.
I have had one horror story so far for this semester. Today I was looking at the requirements for vet. school and checking out what I have left to take and all that and I decided I should try to add a humanities class since the online class is so easy. So, I found one for Tuesday/Thursday and I added it. I went to the class and the teacher was a little bit of a jerk at first when I asked if there was anything I needed to know that I missed the first day. Then, we had a quiz! However, it was easy (what teams are in the NFL play-offs). He goes on to lecture us and I can't hear him ( I am sitting in the third row), nor can I understand him when he does speak loudly enough for me to hear him. He has some kind of speech impediment or something. So, I try to take notes as best as I can. At the end of class we split up into groups and then have to pick a group project by very complicated means. Well, this is about the same time when I start having a nervous breakdown. Everything was just piling up and THEN there was a group project to top it all off. I don't really like group projects in college because 1) not everyone is here to do the same thing, 2) I want to get a good grade, so I end up doing most, if not all, of the work, 3) I don't really have time for group projects, sorry. Sooo, I dropped that class about as quickly as I added it. Sorry, humanities. Maybe we'll meet again next semester with a different professor.
In other news, Abigail and Miranda found a house while I was down south and I went to check it out when I got back. It's a little more expensive than I had in mind, but once I saw it, the price wasn't a big deal. It's pretty nice for the price they are asking. We are signing the lease tonight. This is all very exciting and offical. I feel like a real grown up which is nice and also scary.
I don't think I will be going to Africa this summer, but I haven't completely decided. I sent in my application and I have my phone interview tomorrow, but I don't think it's in my best interest right now. I think it would be better for me in the long run if I stayed here this summer to work and to find an internship/get more volunteer hours. So, that's probably what I'll end up doing, but we'll see. The future is wide open right now.
I have been thinking about getting Rosie a pal, but probably won't since I am moving out in May. I just feel bad because she is home alone all day. I hang with her in the evenings, but that is only a few hours compared to the day. However, all she does during the day is sleep anyway (I have witnessed this.). I just think she gets really bored sometimes. She keeps chewing holes in her rug, but I have sought out some solutions and I'm going to see how they work.
Everything is going pretty smoothly with rugby right now, but that's probably because it practice hasn't started yet. I'm not really stressed out about it, so I'm just waiting for something bad to happen. Everyone is doing the things I ask them to do and things are getting done. We are raising funds and being friends. I don't know what's so hard about being the president, but like I said...I'm probably speaking too soon.
I think I am getting sick. I have been taking extra Vitamin C tablets, so hopefully that helps, but we'll see. I have been feeling pretty bad at night. Monday night I felt like I was going to vomit everywhere, and then the rest of the week I have been getting weird headaches and having cold like symptoms. Who knows. This 2 degree weather and germ-ridden kids probably isn't helping any either.
OH! Also, I went to volunteer at the E-Vet Hospital last Sunday. It was AWESOME! I got to see so many weird/different/new things. Everything was really cool. I got to see a dog seizuring, a dog that got hit bit a car, a DOA, a cat that had this big bubble thing on it's eye (did you know cats have THREE eyelids?!), a dog with some open lesions, and many other things. If I did small animal practice E-Vet is something I might consider. I am going to try to start going there regularly so I can work with other vets and also see lots of different things. Pretty pumped!