Aug 15, 2008 00:25
whoa. whenever i come back to this site i feel like i'm diving back into memory lane or rather belly flopping into it... i cannot recall the last time i let my fingers do the talking... feels so good. i love the way that memories, thoughts, noises and expressions make their way from my brain twitching a thought or two together and wiring the message down to the fingers that paint them into spaces we can see. marvelous. ahaaaaa.
well, what do i have to say for myself? hmmm... i'm always so eager to define the who, what and when of things in my life. it is interesting what i choose, and what others choose for that matter, to divulge. oh, and where.. considering i hardly contact any one that may have any minute interest of reading this damn junk. oh well, catharsis presumes...
I for one, admit to an affair. we have felt, loved, met and re met over and over, prayed, painted laughed and taken some ballsy risks...I am utterly in love with.... myself! that is correct! well... not so much in the vain way, but as i see it, I have so many things that I am grateful for simply pursuing. I am a bikram fiend. my standing bow pose has never looked so fierce (i hate that word but it's actually appropriate at this point in time). hot, sweaty (of course), and on fire; it is strong and i am locking my standing knee and my lower back is getting a really hard long stretch. hooray! i am the doting parent... of my body. proud is what i am, for what i have been able to accomplish.
i know this may sound a bit preemptive, but i'm re connecting with my friend emily that has a ranch of her own in texas that from the looks of her pictures.... is nothing short of amazing.the preemptive part-- if i keep it up, perhaps i can visit her and her horses. i'm so thrilled, that i've promised her that i would find a tame horse at the ranch in mexico and beg to ride. it's the most amazing feeling. galloping surpasses many experiences i've had. it's just something that i have had the priviledge of looking back on and in a tangible way have felt free. finding that rhythm between you and the horse is ground breaking.
i cannot control my anticipation about the move to LA. it sustains me at times when i think of how hard it can be living with my grandmother. it may sound mean but my intentions have always been good; her disease makes her mean and ill to the point of locura. no lo aguanto. so i've called my friends and they cannot wait to receive me up there. it will be so fabulous. i guess after moving away from home at 11 for a year, the college thing in northern california, and traveling alone for a month in costa rica by myself... i can handle LA blind folded. no language barrier, i have a B.A., and i am fluent in two languages-- a hot commodity if you ask me... oh and not to mention, killer personal references!
ahh. well my time here is done (this sounds weirdly familiar, i cannot pin point the movie) but i will have to do this again. it's nice to take a time out and write or type. my kitty is looking at me longingly (or constipated-ly lol) for bed, with me, where he belongs in my arms.
good bye and good night. i'll be dreaming about yoga on horses while galloping around LA, what will you be dreaming? (does this shit spell check... se me hace que no.)