Well, Hello again! Its been awhile!

Sep 03, 2008 01:08

Well, A LOT has happened since April 1st of 2007. A whole year and 5 months has passed since I last wrote in this journal. Let's see if I can do a month by month list of major things that have happened.

April 2007:
We all know what happened at VTech. I am not going into it.

May 2007:
I got a new job at Tiny Tots in Vienna.

June 2007:
I continued to work at Tiny Tots

July 2007:
Turned 22 and kept working.

August 2007:
Went back to Radford for my second year.

September 2007:
Found out the Radford and VTech started up an independent color guard and joined them. Look us up on youtube.com....just type in Axsis Independent.

October 2007:
Jimmy and I break up after almost four years!! Eh...I know...I know...how sad. Not really!

November and December 2007:
Start practicing for guard and continue school!

January 2008:
Start pledging for Alpha Phi Omega!

Lets skip ahead to April 2008, everything between January and April was the same. Practice, school work and pledging!

April 2008:
Axsis Independent goes to AIA Championships and we dont do so well. I still had a fun season! I am initiated as a brother of Alpha Phi Omega!! Best thing to happen to me...so far!

From May until August of 2008 I worked again at Tiny Tots! Oh yeah and I turned 23...yeah...I AM OLD!!! At the end of July I decided to leave a friend a wonderful wall post on facebook just to see how his summer was going. Who knew that that would lead to what we are today(dating)! We are both rather happy that I decided to be a good friend and just see how he was doing! I am pretty sure I am on cloud nine! Its hard to put into words what I feel. I just know I am happy and it makes me happy to know that I make him happy...oh and by the way...his name is Aaron!

Well, now that I have given you a quick up date, maybe I will try and keep this thing updated more often! TRY...being the key word.

Night all!
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