WHO: Selina (
catmasked) & Sabretooth (
WHERE: Ramus the leopard's jungle-in-a-warehouse
WHEN: April 22nd
SUMMARY: Selina is Logan's girlfriend. Victor has a tradition of killing Logan's girlfriends.
WARNINGS: Violence, blood, Creed being a Major Creeper (potentially triggering?)
blah blah cut text )
Creed slid into the warehouse a silent as a greased shadow, and what he saw inside almost took his breath away. Somehow, Selina had turned this patch of urban Nothing into a gorgeous Eden. He sank into some bushes just in time to observe an enormous jungle cat chasing playfully after a bird who was much less keen on the game. A hideous smile crept over his face.
He followed his nose, not making so much as a sound until he was close enough to slit her throat while she slept. But instead he just stood over her at the head of her chair, and leaned so he could watch her sleeping face, upside-down.
"So you like big cats."
"What the hell are you doing here?" she hissed. More of a reflex than anything. Logan had already warned Selina about his old friend.
"These communicator things get old for me pretty quickly. They've got these little buttons, and I have," he chuckled, "Big hands. So I figured I'd get to know you in person."
Weird, he was hoping that she would have seemed more scared. But knowing the Runt, he'd probably picked a skirt that could put up a decent fight. So this was going to be one of those all-day things.
"Now that you've fucked your way into the family... you and I? We're going to be real close." He took another step. "I feel closer to you already."
"Sorry, not interested."
"Sorry, not asking."
For a big guy, he was damn fast. Not superhuman, but fast enough. He had her lifted off the ground in no time, practically crushing her against his chest while he landed a solid, dripping lick along her cheek.
For some reason that always seemed to bother people worse than a punch to the face.
Of course, Selina had a few tricks of her own up her sleeve. She phased out of Sabretooth's grip, landing behind him and going for a leg sweep before leaping back to get some more distance.
She pulled off her own leather coat once she was clear, tossing it aside. Long sleeve shirt, jeans, boots -- not ideal for this kind of fight, but could be worse.
By the time he'd adjusted to that unnerving phase-feeling of someone's flesh passing through his own, he was already on his back. Right. So Mrs. Runt was also tougher than she looked. That, at least, he had expected, and rolled backwards as soon as he hit the floor until he was back on his feet, in a crouched position and ready to pounce.
Politely, he waited until she looked ready to brawl. Then he flew at her, claws out, and ready to tear her apart.
His claws (and how she wished she had her own right now) couldn't do much damage to her in that state, glancing off her skin. The right cross she aimed for his jaw was like getting punched with granite.
Do the damage and get clear. That was the plan. She could only stay like that as long as she could hold her breath.
Fine, so he couldn't scratch her flesh for now. No problem.
Creed lunged at her again, but instead of aiming for her throat this time, he grabbed her by the fabric of her shirt, and ripped it forward. She could rush into his arms along with the pull, or she could stand her ground and be nearly topless. Either worked for him.
Still, she used the inertia, aiming a kick to take out his knee. A more normal fighting kick; she needed to take a breath by that point.
In the second it took him to look back up, he'd already lost his mind. He was an animal again, teeth bared and eyes seeing nothing but red. Creed signalled in only on her scent, her sweat, her fear. Soon enough, her blood too.
There was another weapon on hand, however. She hurriedly pulled her bullwhip out. It wasn't something she had to use with Ramus, particularly not at this point. But she almost always had it on her.
Looking at Sabretooth's face, that was a very good thing.
Sabretooth ignored the potential threat and sprung like a frenzied animal. His massive hands grasped at her wrists, trying to force her to be still as his fangs missed, snapping closed just inches in front of her face.
Selina had barely phased out of his grasp again when something hit him from behind. It seemed Ramus took issue with someone attacking his sometimes-roommate. The leopard only outweighed Selina by ten or twenty pounds, but he had fangs and claws where she didn't. And while he didn't really have the hunting experience, it seemed he instinctively knew to go for the neck.
With an accompanying roar Sabretooth twisted around underneath the large animal, and bit it right back, getting mostly fur but still making his point. As it prepared to attack him again he sank both sets of claws deep into its opposite flanks, and it squealed pathetically and backed off.
Creed staggered to his feet, grabbing at his dripping neck.
And closer to her. But she was more concerned about Ramus' safety than her own at the moment. She usually was when other were in danger. Or when she was pissed off. And right then, she was both.
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