Goldfrapp -
Cologne Cerrone Houdini Everybody should be listening to this song because it's splendiferous and I can't stop listening (and I don't want to be alone in this).
I think Goldfrapp should do the song for the next James Bond movie. Because srsly - this current one, Another Way to Die or whatever, was crap. I like Jack White, and Alicia Keys is okay, but together they're just a crapstorm. Goldfrapp would be beyond awesome.
Parts of this song sound very Bond-ish:
Goldfrapp -
Time Out From The World And I'm uploading a third just because I can.
Goldfrapp -
Hairy Trees DEAL WIT IT.
Also, suisse mocha coffee drink + gingerbread eggnog = muthafuckin' DELICIOUS.
That is all.
Just kidding, no it's not. I love my new icon.