It was a game show that ran on Nickelodeon in the late 80's/early 90's.
Anyways, my college BFF/hetero-lifemate Brandi's dream is for the two of us to one day bring the show back to television as siamese twin co-hosts sharing one crazy sweater in honor of the original host Phil Moore (whose sweater collection I once described as 'Bill Cosby on acid').
I have taken the first step to making this dream come true.
and OMG ROLF. I was looking for Nick Arcade videos to embed here for anyone who has the grave misfortune of never having seen this Emmy-worthy masterpiece of a show, and I found that Mr. Joey Fatone was once a contestant. Haha!
Part 1
Click to view
(omg, kara...ROBOT VISION! hahahahaha)
Part 2
Click to view
Also under the cut are a couple videos of Joey Fatone from N*SYNC on the show. HA!
Type in 'nick arcade' on YouTube for more lulz. :)
ETA: David Cook should cut his hair like Charles', y/y?