So I was going through some old photos trying to find a picture of me dressed up as She-Ra for Halloween (which I did), and I found some other funny/cute pictures too, so I thought, what the hey! I'll just post all of them.
me as She-Ra, as promised. PRINCESS OF POWER!
with my brother Josh. WE R LYKE SO BADASS
I found more pictures of my mom on Halloween than me, they are. Haha.
Geisha mom!
Medusa mom! Don't stare at her. Her evil menopause powers will turn you to stone.
Clown mom! Enjoy your nightmares.
slightly halloweeny... Creepy dad creepin' up on mom. rolf
switching holidays - here's us on Easter. :)
my very first day of school EVAR! check out my brother rockin' the Joker shirt. awesome :)
I remember being really pissed off when this picture was taken, but I don't remember why. Anyway, EFF U AND UR GIANT PENCIL, GERMANY! ;)
wtf crazy josh
josh being surprised on his birthday with a new bike. AWWWWW THAT FACE!
this is Chi-Chang, the pekingese dog we had when I was really little. He was evil and bit me on the face when I was a baby. Repeatedly. Anyways, he is probably planning on eating little Josh as soon as the camera's gone.
LASER CATS! *pew* *pew* look at liddle mai-mai kitten! that's mah baby. she's 19 now. yeah, she's immortal. JEALOUS?!
speaking of cats, here is frisky (RIP) and akira lounging in my room in Alabama. note the pile of barbies and barbie RV in the corner. yes, that's right. Barbie RV. I was too poor for a dream house. :'(
akira used to stand up like a prairie dog all the time.
and also used to leap through the air like supercat! I love this picture now especially since she's all old now and has arthritis and can barely walk. liddle kreech <3
I was obviously abused as a child, made to sleep on the floor and eat cat food and only allowed to play with this plastic cup. hahaha
okay, halloween's over. time for christmas! :D