(no subject)

Apr 20, 2004 13:44

Asian supermarkets kick all other markets' asses. Seriously. t3h azn mart ownz j00!!

No, seriously. XD I went there yesterday with Rachie, and it was so great minus the ever-present smell of fish. Its really amazing how many things asian countries have managed to put fish in. There was a fish something an every isle. And I hate fish. o_O

But, it was reall fun. Though, it once again made me want to be asian. But then again, not really. Its fun to be the only white people in a store filled with asians staring at you like you stumbled in by accident. Well, there was that one black lady, but she left when we came in. So yah. We were really white. And nevermind we got really excited at basically everything.
Me:" Green tea popsicles!!??? sweet!!!"
Rachel: *incessently pronouncing 'Matsumoto'"


I bought some strawberry Hello Panda, Yan Yan, green tea ice cream and jasmine tea. It was really good and i ate all of the Hello Panda and Yan Yan yesterday -_-;;;. But, now on to the ice cream! w00t!

oh! They had a little hidden section i didnt see until we were checking out that had tons of asian movies, music, and assorted coolness :DD So of course I went over in hopes of spotting some jrock. Only j-music I recognized though was Smap and X Japan. The X Japan singles collection tempted me, but I decided against it, though it was very nicely priced. But! I did find some Nicholas Tse! I bought his Invinsible album for only 7 bucks! I felt shiny. Its pretty good so far (still havent listen to it all; its 20 tracks o_O), alittle to ballady sometimes for my tastes, but alot of it is very good. And I really suck at singing in chinese. Really really suck. There's so many "s" sounds, and sh's, I just end up spitting XDD;

I'm so white...

and also, I <3 audrey liek woah.

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