Aug 26, 2008 14:38
nasty horrible peopel exist in this world and i don't know why. how is it that they get that way? i wanna know. there's times when i really want to pick away at their brains and figure out what made them such ass douch. honestly i don't like not liking people, and i know we're supposed to love eachother...but why do some people have to make it so difficult for me to actually find one nice quality in them!!!! it is so frustrating to me knowing that these disgusting blobs of horror exist! they are completely irrational, stubborn, and they get butt hurt way too easily. maybe they like it...i guess some people like dragging around all their drama and troubles like some kind of teddy bear, you know, the kind you never let go for even a second when you were a kid.
in my life i have only completely hated 2 people, both of which are girls. like i said i don't like it but they brought it among themselves. most people just annoy me.
i wonder how many people truly hate me? ever wonder what it would be like without these people? they're no fun to be around anyways.
this now reminds me of my wrath. when i'm angry i'll let you have it. it's not often but it does exist. do i like it? no, of course not! my personality is a quiet, happy, nice person. when i'm angry the anger eats away with me like a kind of acid or parasite. it makes me physically ill eats at my conscience. i know i'm supposed to be nice to everyone. i know! i know! i know! i can't help it that some people don't have a conscience and some people don't listen. what can i do? nothing. sucks.
today i've been called: immature, attention-whore,disrespectful, stuff like that.
well...since one of the girls i dislike doesn't have livejournal i'll say what i wanted to say. STOP BEING SUCH A HOOCHIE HO!
okay so you know i don't like you big deal right? don't come up all in my face telling me your 2nd boyfriend since you broke my friend's heart about 3 months ago is butt hurt because of something on the myspace. he deserved it. i'm not sure why you think i'm being an attention whore when you're the one fighting your pussy's battles. stop thinking it's all you. oh vanessa is mad because of me and my descions. i DON'T like your boyfriend because he's loud, drinks waaaay too much, blew smoke in mikes face, smokes in general, rubs it in my friend's face that he's dating you now. i don't like you because you're a ho who can't make up her mind who she wants to be with, claim you're bi-sexual, brag brag brag, go along with rubbing it in my friend's face that you're dating that pussy, called me an attention whore you hypocrite.if i wanted attention i'd tell the whole world i'm bi and write a blog on myspace and then tell everyone to read it and comment! however i'm not, this can only be read by the few friends on lj who read this and maybe a few randoms who stumble on my lj (shitty journal anyways)
don't you just despise people like that? drama queens...disgusting.
i hate writing horrible things about horrible people...meh. stay strong vanessa.