Jul 26, 2008 01:02
Yay, finally the weekend!! I don't think I'd be quite so excited if not for the fact that I worked the last two weekends in a row. Granted, this past Sunday I wound up not having to go in, but I didn't know that until about 1:00, which is too late to plan on doing anything anyhow. It did let me get some laundry and other assorted cleaning done though...
So, to celebrate the upcoming 48 Valspar-free hours, I'm going to sit here with my glass of wine and stay up playing around on the internet until all ungodly hours of the morning. Ahh. If there's one thing working here has taught me, it's how to appreciate the little things. I know that sounds weird, but the less time you get to do things you like, the more you appreciate them when you do. Silly little things like working in my garden (which is pretty pitiful right now, I must admit...but I'm still learning!), cooking and enjoying a nice meal, and the general crafty stuff I like to do make me even happier. I guess I should enjoy this while I can-my life is about to get busier. Next Monday is time to register for classes. I know, I know...I so looked forward to getting done with school and I was so excited at graduation. I have to admit that I'm still a little disenchanted with the idea of taking biochemistry *again*. It was not enjoyed the first time, and this time is worse because I *have* to get an A. Oh, well...at least one of the guys I work with is good at biochem. Maybe he can help me out.
Speaking of work, we're debuting a new overtime-free schedule in August. I am ecstatic!! After nearly 2 and a half years, I am so looking forward to not working extra hours on a regular basis. I'll have to work one weekend a month, and when I do have to work that weekend I'll get the Wed, Thurs, and Fri before the weekend off. SWEET! My bank account won't be so thrilled, as I'm used to getting about 16 hours of overtime per paycheck, but at least I picked up a raise before all this took effect. But the biggest benefit to all this (as far as I'm concerned) is I'll finally get to see Ken again. I know it's sad to have to say this about someone I live with, but I miss him. I guess college spoiled me - we got to spend every evening together. I suppose if I can't get to 1st shift, this is the next best option for me. :) Maybe I'll even start cooking more again...
On a totally different tangent, if anyone reading this knows a good way to crate train a stubborn dog (which I suspect a couple of you vet-type people do :) ), please PLEASE share this info with me!! I've tried pepperoni, kong toys, comfy bedding. I haven't tried to shut her in, I just keep it in our bedroom with the door open. When I did manage to lure her inside with goodies I told her what a good dog she was and patted and reassured...still no good. She flips out and has to get out. I'm a little lost here...she has such horrible thunderstorm anxiety and has recently taken to going potty in the living room at night (even though she's let out plenty), and crate training is all I can think to do to help solve these problems. I imagined having more trouble since she's already nearing 4 years old, but I didn't expect all this! So far I've only managed to successfully crate train my cat, which wasn't entirely the goal here...Anyways, if anyone has some advice it would be much appreciated.
And that's it for now-hope everyone has a great weekend!