Sep 02, 2003 05:34
I chose "determined" for my mood because that's how I feel about passing my essay test today. I MUST DO IT! Despite the fact that I haven't been in town since Thursday, I think I'll be alright.
I arrived Thursda afternoon in Atlanta with Leah. We waited with Scott and Jen at the Delta baggage belt for a few hours until the other regional board memebers arrived. It was kind of amusing... there were TONS of rugby players walking around who were dressed extremely odd, so Jen and I went up to them and asked if I could take a pic of them with her... just for fun. Yea, we're weird, we know. Finally, around 5, everyone showed up. We went out to eat in Atlanta and for dessert had the best damn cookies ever! We got to Coleman pretty late; worked for a while before finally crashing at almost 2 in the morning. *note* --> Coleman is disgusting compared to KUTZ... the difference is unreal. Anyway, Leah, Jen and I practiced a lot the next day before the other participants showed up. Actually, that's how we spent the majority of our time there: practicing guitar/songleading. Twas fun, though. My hands finally stopped hurting. The next few days went by pretty quickly. It was depressing to not have a signal on my phone, though... no checkg of messages. ::sigh:: oh well, I'm over it. While not using my phone, however, I got to catch up with some old friends. "Two minutes" with Bev will always hold special memories for me :) I'm not sure how I feel about my beliefs right now, but I love NFTY... well, the people, rather. It's brought so much to my life over the past few years. At the airport on the way home, I hung out with some tygers from Brandon and their advisr. We had a nice little convo. Maybe we'll all get together, again. Anyway, I could go on for a loooong time about LLTI, but there's no need to. I had an amazing time (hehe, *amazing*). 'Nough said.
Back to school I go. I have an essay test today relating to a passage I had to analyze that was taken from Heart of Darkness. I think I'll survive. That's what I did last night... well, I analyzed. Before that I actually got to talk to Chaya. She seems to be having a really good time in college... and she found herself a reallllly sweet guy. I'm very happy for her. Speaking of sweet guys, I finally got to talk to John yesterday. This made me very happy as I hadn't spoken with him since I left Thursday. I never realized how dependent on communications I was. Phone, e-mail, IM... I need it all. Yes, you heard me: need, not want. That's a little scary...
I've got lots of time till I need to leave for school. I accidently set my alarm for an earlier time this morning. Oops.
Oh, something you all must know: I bought the coolest pair of scrubs. Sold by the region of NFTY-SAR, the doctor-like pants say: Got SARs? on them. Hehehe... I love them.
By being out of town I wasn't able to attend David's mom's yirhzeit (I *know* I spelled that wrong... sorry). I feel really bad about not being there. Dave's kinda like my 2nd big brother... I should've been there for him. I guess it's alright, though. He had all his Tampa people plus Beki and Dustin. They came here for the weekend. I don't know if I could handle being in Dave's position.. he's pretty strong.
Ok, I'm done rambling for now. I'll find something else to pass the time before I leave for school...