hey katherine im seeing cool bunnies!
wellllll shit...... ann tells me EVERYONE reads this so this is for everyone... arighty then hi EVERYONE. ya i went to see brian for lunch on tuesday and then again before he went to work that day. haha when i left he gave me a hug and said "bye sweetie" it was weird. ok ya i would like to be on the BROS side instead of the HOES in jerry's eyes. then again he think sall girls are "dumb broads" anywhooooooo i have my WIT interview on saturday im a lil scared cause i havnt been around horses for like a year. yay huge ugly bunnies! i mean huge and "awsome" coughkatherinecoughcough "they look like sheep" coughiancrossthefreshmanbutnnotreallyafreshmancoughcough. wow FLIGHT AMP ROCKS my socks off! my socks went to that place where all the rocked off socks go coughkatherinecoughcough yay MOP!
"this rocks my socks off" -katherine
"hun, you dont have any socks"- me
"duh! thats because they were rocked off!!!!" - katherine
Microsfot WERD
Write letters n shit yo
ummm ok that part was iancrossthefreshmanbutnnotreallyafreshman.
so i have been replacing sex with chocolate lately. no good no good!trty ummm "trty" was ruben....
anywhoooo i want some chocolate coughsexcoughcough.
http://home.pacbell.net/bettychu/2003allbreedbisris/BIS.htmlhehehehehehhehehehe blah!!!!!!!! thats for u kat kat hha i mean katherine
"ian cross has a big dick for not being a freshman"-katherine
i mean he is a big dick..... coughhehasonetoocoughcough
ok this is getting really dumb.... wheres some chocolate