
Nov 01, 2011 14:33

...So there's this show called Community that I've started watching and there was a Doctor Who parody clip of show called Inspector Spacetime. Now there's an Inspector Spacetime confession blog. Between having discovered tumblr, this and reigniting my Harry Potter fandom-ness, I think I see what will fill the Doctor Who time wasting void until it comes back...

Goodness sakes...This is what happens when you take Doctor Who off the air...
We start writing fandom confessions to a one clip parody of Doctor Who that was briefly shown on the show Community…

And what do we get? Crossovers with other parodies of other shows…

Galaxy Quest(Star Trek) 

And according to them Rory was with the Inspector first…

(This is merely one of them.)

Oh and ouch…

Why the hate on Doctor Who, y’all? 

But they totally should’ve aired the episode J.K.Rowling wrote…


Oh look’s the the small, furry, Good Lamb.

An article about the silliness…

Plus I STILL haven't finished Firefly  and that Dead Man's Chest Jar of Dirt fanfiction which I've been sitting on for years.

And I might try National Novel Writing Month again, I wasn't very successful last time, but there you go...

inspector spacetime, doctor who, harry potter, fandom

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