The God Complex Spoiler and Are Rory and Amy Bad Parents?

Sep 18, 2011 16:28

Doctor Who Episode The God Complex Spoilers and A thought on the two seasons with Amy...
Amy’s getting to know you season was season 31/5.
Season 32/6 is Rory’s season.

Rory Williams is so badass the scary/sad minotaur-alien tried to get him to leave instead of trying to steal his faith. Or season 32/6 is Amy and Rory's as a couple season.And to those who think it’s becoming all about Amy and Rory? New Who has been about the companions’ affect on the Doctor and vice versa. They haven’t forgotten the Doctor, guys.
Are Amy and Rory bad parents?

Before I go on, yes it bothers me that they don’t mention Melody/River much in the episodes without her. But I will say, they didn’t know they were going to be parents until moments before Amy gave birth. That’s a shock.
It’s clear they did want to be good parents in A Good Man Goes to War because they were trying to absorb all of this new information. Then what happens? The child they thought was their’s turns out to be another flesh duplicate. They never even had the chance to hold her. I don’t know about you, but that sounds traumatic to me. We didn’t see what they were like when the Doctor left them for the summer. We do know the first question Amy asks is if he’s found Melody. Then, BAM, another shocker Mels is Melody who then regenerates into the form they know as River.

The fact that the next episode,Night Terrors, wasn’t meant to be originally shown in that particular slot in episode order doesn’t help appearances either.

Then what happens? Rory and The Doctor accidentally leave Amy alone for 36 years. She didn’t have a choice in the matter. She fully expected them to come for her much sooner. And she then had to watch her older self refuse to help her.

The Doctor and Rory are truly horrified. Now they have to convince older Amy to help her younger self. That doesn’t leave much room for worrying about Melody:

Rory doesn’t want to miss growing old with Amy just as he had wanted to be there for his daughter when she was growing up.

The Doctor is thinking about EVERY companion he feels he has ever messed up from Susan, the granddaughter he left behind to Adric, who died young and River who died to save him to Donna who can’t remember her own brilliance and now Amy and Rory.Amy and Rory who have had their child stolen from them. Rory who  was erased from existence, then endured 2000 years as a hunk of plastic and who is very aware of having died multiple times . Amy who has waited too long and for too many times.

The God Complex is another reminder to him. He’s reminded of the end of his Tenth regeneration and once again he is unable to save everyone. He wants to give Amy and Rory a chance to be together without him. And most importantly he can’t bear the loss again.

It should be noted one of the last things Amy says to him is about her daughter.

So, in summary, the Team 11 in the TARDIS haven’t had the room to breathe necessary for them to show us what’s going on in their heads about Melody. Is it incredibly frustrating? Yes. I will end by saying the season isn’t over yet and we know how Moffat likes to mess with our heads.

amy, 11, rory, doctor who

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