Harry Potter fans...Calm down. It's going to be okay...

Aug 16, 2011 20:43

(This was written in response to the many people over on tumblr who are stressing over what house they'll be sorted into...)

I understand. I do. Many of us have spent our childhood and part of our “grown-up” lives thinking and imagining what it would be like to be part of the world J.K. Rowling created. For those of you who are not yet in Pottermore (like me): “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.”

I get it. We’re all excited, but if all you’re doing is refreshing your email page then of course it will seem like an eternity. Do something! Read another Harry Potter fanfic or write one or do some fanart or watch the movies again. Go out with your friends. You can’t control when it’s going to come. You’re not helping yourself by stressing over it.

“Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”

For those of you who are on Pottermore and are being sorted:

“The truth is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution.”

Be grateful you have the opportunity to be one of the first. :D And if you’re worried about your house…I can understand that, too. Everyone has an image of them self and feels they know where they’d like to be.

I’ve seen myself as a Ravenclaw or a Hufflepuff. On one wing, I love creativity and learning and finding the connections between everything in the world. I enjoy reading,writing, singing, acting and occasionally dressing up as a pirate or a witch. On the other paw, I also love my family and friends. I’d be lost without them. I’d rather keep the peace and not pick a fight.

That said, if I wind up in Gryffindor or Slytherin I’ll rock the red and gold or silver and green. Maybe the Sorting Hat sees what I’ve never seen myself. I enjoy a good surprise.

And it’s not as if your house ultimately defines you. It may highlight certain aspects of yourself, but it doesn’t determine who you are.

Tonks was a Hufflepuff. She was an auror,she kicked-butt, she once battled Death-Eaters Bellatrix and Rodolphus at the same time. She was brave,funny,a bit clumsy and somewhat of a troublemaker when she was younger and yes, loyal. And in Deathly Hallows, the number of Hufflepuffs who stayed behind was second only to Gryffindor.

Slughorn was a Slytherin. He may have been a man who was self-serving and enjoyed comfort, but he was also kind. He encouraged those he believed had potential regardless of blood status. And as a professor at Hogwarts, he was skilled and knowledgeable in magic.

Flitwick was a Ravenclaw. He was kind, patient, understanding and cheerful. He didn’t let Umbridge ruffle his feathers and treated her as a guest in his class-even though many would say she didn’t deserve the courtesy.And later, his signs of rebellion were cleverly subtle such as preserving a bit of Fred and George’s impressive swamp magic. Flitwick was loyal and brave.And even though Snape seemed to be the big bad traitor, Flitwick’s mind was on protecting his students: “You’ll do no more murder at Hogwarts!”

Gryffindor gets much of the glory. I don’t need to list the wizards who have proven their mettle from this house. I’ll mention Peter Pettigrew because I have been giving examples of people who counter the stereotyped visions of the houses. Pettigrew betrayed his friends and yes, was a coward for much of his life, but I will point out his heart wasn’t in serving Voldemort. In the end, an act of mercy and guilt-not stopping Harry- a small, very small act of defying Voldemort was what killed Peter Pettigrew.

“It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.”

If you get the house you’ve always desired then that’s awesome and congratulations!

If you don’t, consider it an opportunity to learn more about your new house. And it does not mean you have to chuck all your old house’s stuff in the bin! Luna supported Gryffindor with her lion hat and her house,Ravenclaw, with her eagle hat.

And in the end…does it really matter what house you’re put in?

“Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open.”

And our aim is to spread the Harry Potter fandom love, am I right? So let’s cut down on the moaning, groaning, and hatin’ on the other houses.

writing, life, harry potter, fandom

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