More fanart: Men In Bowties, Luna Lovegood...

Aug 08, 2011 00:48

Credit, comment, no hotlinking=happy meowbooks :D

And before you say the Luna one isn't mine...check the fine print. ;) I have no idea WHY I decided to get a tumblr. Curiosity? Now, I've gone and landed myself with two 'cause an RP had an open slot for Luna Lovegood.I haven't done an RP in years...

My regular tumblr (pastseasofstars) will be superfluous if you're already watching this livejournal. I only plan on posting fandom art and the occasional quote that will most likely be posted here first and the rest will be reblogging things. If you found the Luna Mrs. Norris hat graphic interesting at all and would be interested in me writing as Luna during Harry's 5th year (Order of the Phoenix),which would be Luna's 4th year, pop on over to:

doctorwho, billnye, tv, indy, harry potter, fandom

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