PotC Fanfiction: In the Stone Chest

Jun 02, 2011 16:55

Title:In the Stone Chest
Author: meowbooks  
Word Count:63
Rating: G
Characters:The Cursed Gold of Cortez Himself
Summary: The gold speaks.This was written years ago and is also posted on fanfiction.net.
Disclaimer: I've not been fortunate enough to own such a thing as CotBP...

In the Stone Chest

Taunting, flaunting, showing off how they shine, wanting, wanting to be taken away for a time.
Prizes to be claimed, doing the claiming. You cannot own them they can own you.
Round little disks they sit and wait. Waiting for greed to overtake.
Longing to snare those who want it away. Lock it up.
A treasure better buried beneath the ground, never found.

potc fanfiction, pirates of the caribbean

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