Goodbye Elizabeth Sladen/Steven Moffat you are mad,mad,mad

May 17, 2011 00:25

 A Beautiful Tribute to Elizabeth Sladen/Sarah Jane Smith by Babelcolor:
I still have yet to see much of her in Classic Who. I've seen her in a couple of scenes, a handful of the spin-off, episodes, and of course, her appearances in New Who. Her ability to endear her character to me in such a short amount of time expresses how extraordinary she was more eloquently than any other words. Seeing this tribute makes me want to see all those adventures I missed and proves how much she will be missed.

An Impossible Astronaut to The Doctor's Wife AKA Steven Moffat: You are mad, mad, mad!

Oh Moffat does love to play around with the timey-wimey nature of time travel. It's impossible for me to process it without talking about it and spoiling it so be forewarned. So it should go without saying, but there are SPOILERS.

An Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon

--"I thought I'd never get done saving you."
“I’ve been running faster than I’ve ever run. And I’ve been running all my life.”
I didn't know why some of the Doctor's lines felt different, off from other things he was saying. Matt Smith played the older Doctor's joy at seeing the trio and hinting at his goodbye.
--It's also the one of the few times we see a River who is on the other receiving end of meeting a future version of someone she knows.

-- It was creepy and upsetting and I had "Turn Left" and "Forest of the Dead" flashbacks.

--"We do what the Doctor's friends always do: As we're told."--River
Hah. That isn't true much of the time and you know it, Dr. Song.

--Rob of RobWillReview mentioned the two different Doctors we get:
The older Doctor who was very comfortable with River and met her half way and the younger Doctor who is intrigued, but doesn't trust her and says things like "I love a bad girl, me, but trust you? Seriously?"

--Canton Everett Delaware III
I like his name. I'm not sure why, but it rolls off the tongue wonderfully.
--Who did the Doctor trust the most? He trusted himself the most?

--"This is cold even by your standards. This is cold." This was River's reaction to the seeing the younger Doctor after the death and cremation of his older self. What were you hinting at Moffat? Was it the Doctor's solution to the Silents in the next episode? Or something darker?

--"I just popped out to get a special straw-- it adds more fizz." Oh, Eleven, you can be so silly...

--"Rory the Roman that's a good title." Younger Eleven comes up with the title there...and Older Eleven uses it later when he happily says hello to them. Timey-wimey.

--"Recruited by who?"
"Is everyone cross with me for some reason?" Yes, and it's something you haven't done yet...
And in a way it's a bit unfair that they are cross with him, but it's just as unfair that they had to see what they saw.

--200 years older? Yowza. How?

--"I'm being extremely clever up here and there's no one to impress. What's the point of you all?"

--"There's a far more worst day for me." MOFFAT. Stop spoiling things... Or rather making us all frustrated.

--"A mysterious summons. You think I'm just going to go?"
"Don't play games with me don't ever, ever, think you're capable of that."
"I love a bad girl, me, but trust you? Seriously?"

Matt Smith sold me on being the Doctor back in the Eleventh Hour, but the tricky switches cemented it in my head.

--"Swear to me, swear to me, on something that matters."
"Fish fingers and custard."
"My life in your hands, Amelia Pond."

It was a serious moment, but when Amy said that it made me smile. That small moment of fish fingers and custard was part of a turning point in their lives. Eleven was realizing who he was and Amy met her Raggedy Doctor for the first time...

--"This time ,for once,I'm being discreet." Well, I imagine it's more fun when you can have the TARDIS make that wonderful roaring sound. My question is...why didn't you use the invisible feature in earlier situations? And if it can turn invisible than why did it need the Chameleon circuit anyway?

--"Mrs. Robinson."
"I hate you."
"No,you don't."

Technically, Doctor, you are still older.

--"When I first met the doctor a long,long time ago he knew all about me
back to front.My past is his future.I know him more,he knows me less. I live for the days I see him,but I know everytime I do he'll be one step further away. The day's coming when I look into that man's eyes. My doctor, and he won't have the faintest idea who I am and I think it's going to kill me."

Oh River. And we know it will. Wait, the Silence in the Library?! Season 4?

Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead
“I trust that man to the end of the universe, and actually, we’ve been.” --River, on the Doctor

Yup you have! The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang

“Dear God, you’re hard work young.” --River to the Doctor

“Why am I handcuffed? Why do you even have handcuffs?” --the Doctor
“Spoilers.” --River

“I’ve seen whole armies turn and run away, and he’d just swagger off back to his TARDIS and open the door with a snap of his fingers. The Doctor and the TARDIS, next stop, everywhere.” --River
Ten did it in that episode, in some of the specials and Eleven has done it at least once since then. :D
Ten:Time can be rewritten!
River: Not those times, not one line. Don't you dare. It's okay, it's okay. It's not over for you. You'll see me again.You've got all of that to come.You and me, time and space, you watch us run.
Ten:River, you know my name.You whispered my name in my year.There's only one reason I would ever tell anyone my name--there's only one time I could.
River:Hush now, spoilers...
"When you run with the Doctor it feels like it will never end,but however hard you try-- you can't run forever.Everybody knows that everybody dies and nobody knows it like the Doctor."-River
Moffat's either reverse engineered quite a bit or he's been kicking ideas around in his head a very long,long, time.
But back to the two-parter of Season 6..
I'm not sure how I feel about the Doctor basically ordering humanity to kill the Silents on sight. I do think it helps that he told the Silents to LEAVE or else, but there will still be dead Silents. And how weird would it be to find alien corpses without knowing where they came from? Or will people trip over decomposing aliens, see them, freak out, turn around and forget? And this won't be the last sighting of them.
Canton Everette Delaware III -- I don't think this is the last we'll see of him either. On another fandom connections related note, the actor played the younger version of a one-off character on CBS' NCIS. :D
The Doctor is the reason Nixon recorded everything...Hah. I did enjoy the moment when he walked out of the box that was supposably impenetrable and escape proof. Were the clueless guards suppose to think it is like a prison in that it's easy to get in, but hard to get out of?
It has to be said: OMG IZ TIME GIRL JENNY? Or Jenny's daughter? I don't think they'd make it as simple as merely Amy's would they?
The Curse of the Black Spot
Only the Doctor would ask for more laughter from pirates who are making him walk the plank.
Amelia Pond the Pirate! I was wondering why such fiercesome men would cower in the presence of a sword wielded by a skinny 21st century girl.
Pirates in Space? Did anyone else think of Han Solo? And of course,"Pigs in SPAAAACE!" ;) ( (
It was lovely to see Amy save Rory. I wanted to see more of a mutual reciprocation between the two. :D
I liked the bits and pieces of the episode...The twist on the DoctorSiren, the colliding of two separate realities, the similarities between the running Pirate and the Doctor, but everything seemed pieced together. I would've liked to have a bit more fun with a pirate episode.
The Doctor's Wife
Thank you,Neil Gaiman, for making TARDIS/Doctor shipping canon. I think I will HAVE to read your books now. :D
He must’ve enjoyed coming up with names…
The TARDIS is "Sexy" and "Old Girl"
Rory is "Pretty"
The Doctor is her "Thief"

It was lovely to have ideas fandom have had floating around brought to life. And to see different perspectives:
"I wanted to see the universe, so I stole a Time Lord and ran away. And you were the only one mad enough."

The consciousness of the TARDIS in the flesh, something used to seeing all of time and space, being a bit mad is something we have seen…very briefly with Bad Wolf Rose. Suranne Jones as Idris/TARDIS was brilliant. The affection, the warmth, the box of possibilities trying to grapple with tenses when she’s used to seeing so much all at once, all were played perfectly.

Nine and Ten have said past, present, future is how the Doctor sees the world. It makes sense that his nearest and dearest would be the beauty that allows him to do what he does. Both of them have lost Gallifrey and are the last of their kind. The dead Time Lord pleas and the graveyard sister TARDISes underline their shared loneliness. Their time talking was like life confusing, illuminating, glorious, brief and treasured, but it isn’t the end of their journey together and now the Doctor knows she loves him just as much as he has loved her.

I don't know if the hallucinations were Amy's or a combination of Rory's and her fears.I would imagine that when  Rory does remember being Plastic it would haunt him. For Amy, how does someone repay their love for protecting them for 2000 years?Love itself is a very big emotion and the strange experiences  their travels with the Doctor adds another layer of thoughts for them to sort through.

Speaking of Which...

doctorwho, amy, 11, eleven, rory

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