Multi-Fandom Meme Fic of Doom: PotC, Harry Potter, Doctor Who,Psych

Mar 13, 2011 04:18

Multi-Fandom Meme Fic of Doom
1. Write down the names of 10 characters.
2 Write a fic of fifteen words or fewer for every prompt, using the characters determined by the numbers. Do NOT read the prompts before you do step 1.

And just to make it interesting I made two lists and then I wrote the mini-fics. It's a mix of Pirates of the Caribbean, Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Chuck and Psych.

1.James Norrington
2.Luna Lovegood
3.Donna Noble
4.Davy Jones
5.The 9th Doctor
6.Neville Longbottom
8.Jack Sparrow
9.The 10th Doctor
10.Professor McGonagall

1.Jack Harkness
2.Sean Spencer
3Chuck Bartowski
4.Hermione Granger
5 Ron Weasley
6 Harry Potter
7 Joshamee Gibbs
8 Groves
9 Murtogg
10 Mullroy

First Time, 4 and 6 Davy Jones,Neville Longbottom;Hermione Granger,Harry Potter

Professor Longbottom attempted portcullis fungi removal,"Finitefungi!"
A tentacled figure appeared. Longbottom flipped spell-book pages.
Harry was stunned--did all 1st year wizards memorize textbooks?
Hermione thought, My, he's quiet.

Angst, 7 Gillette;Gibbs

Gillette crumpled the letter, burned his love's words in the fire, and said, “Never again."
Gibbs drained his canteen, cursing the stars for not saving Anne and their unnamed child.

AU, 1 and 8 James Norrington, Jack Sparrow;Jack Harkness and Groves

James stopped, stunned, and wiggled skeletal fingers. His shout echoed throughout the cave, "JACK SPARRROW!"
Groves and Harkness swapped battle stories,"Undead pirates."
"Time travel."
"Jack Sparrow."

Threesome, 3, 6, and 9 Donna,Neville,10; Chuck,Harry,Murtogg

"We can't figure out handcuffs?!"
"Donna...They're WOODEN handcuffs."
"They took my wand..."
"Bloody brilliant..."
"Are you an undead pirate?"
"WOW.You didn't even touch him.Intersect?"

Hurt/Comfort, 5 and 10 9,Professor McGonagall;Ron,Mullroy

Wand and words healed him. "It's not magic," he winced.
"Believe what you will,Doctor."
"Look on the bright side: She didn't send attack birds after you."
"Or fish people..."

Crackfic, 1 James;Jack Harkness

James never imagined enduring the presence of TWO Captain Jacks and a time travelling alien.
Jack thought master art thief Neal Caffrey looked quite dashing in a fedora.

Horror, 10 McGonagall;Mullroy

A camera flash blinded her and she froze--she hadn't put her hair up yet.
Mullroy woke from his dream screaming,"No,no,no--not the singing mops!"

Baby fic, 5 and 9 9,10;Ron,Murtogg

"You and her...danced."
"Other me!"
"I blame you."
"That's not fair..."
"Which one's mine?"
"Floating baby?Too conspicuous."
"Then,how do muggles find lost ones?"

Dark, 2 and 8 Luna and Jack; Sean,Groves

"And those stars there?"
"The dragon, Draco, slain by Hercules."
"I know a Draco."
"I'll light a match!"
"Locked in a gunpowder room?Really?"
"Reject hate, embrace love, Theodore."

Romance, 4 and 7 Davy Jones,Gillete;Hermione, Joshamee

"That's h-h-horrible..."hiccuped Gillette.
"To the depths wit' all lying wenches!"cried Jones.
"Hear, hear!"
"I should tell him a story?"
"Aye,spin a fair tale and he'll be yours!"

Death fic, 2 and 3 Luna,Donna; Sean and Chuck

"Are you alright?"
"I feel like..."
"--you're missing something?"
"Yeah, exactly..."
"You'll find it someday."
"We shall mourn for you... 1978 Chewbacca doll--"
"Action figure."
"Morgan's gonna kill you."

Bodyswap fic, 2, 4, and 8 Luna,Davy,Jack;Sean,Hermione,Groves

"These beads help ward off Sockerwhacks."
"Sparrow,ye'll pay!"
"Yer a mite less intimidating as a blonde lass."
"Eww, I'm a teen-aged girl."
"How is that a difference?"
"Sean, put the wand down!"

Stuck on an island, 1 and 6 James, Neville;JackH,Harry Potter

"Don't worry, Commodore.I'll apparate us out of here!"
"Um, one splinching was quite enough."

Kink fic, 3 and 5 Donna, 9;Chuck,Ron

"I have a kink in my neck..."
"Oh no, I'm not massaging ya, mister."
"Letting the girls choose the place? Brilliant idea!'"
"They didn't know there'd be spiders, Ron."

fanfiction, chuck, dw fanfiction, psych, hp fanfiction, potc fanfiction, doctorwho, harry potter, fandom, pirates of the caribbean

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