PotC Fanfic: In the Dead of the Night

Aug 04, 2009 04:32

Title: In the Dead of the Night
Author: meowbooks
Word Count: 284
Rating: PG
Characters: Elizabeth, William James Turner III
Summary: A fic concerning what to call a young Turner.

"No, don't leave me! No!" A blade, grey, offensive and cold, was sunk into Will’s chest. The world was blurring, Elizabeth heard her own sobs, smelled the reek of salt, of decay and blood at her feet, and sensed unwanted hands tearing her away from her beloved. Her Will. She broke free, stumbling her way back to him, but the ship tilted, steepening the climb. She slid backward with every move, her fingers scratched at the near vertical blood-soaked deck, she screamed--

Elizabeth woke still screaming. She opened her eyes and found her hands tangled in her sheets and a cradle near her bed. It’s tiny occupant stirred and cried out in a half-woken, unsure way. She scooped the baby into her arms.

“Sssh, sssh," Elizabeth bit her lip trying to think her way out of hearing his vocal complaints. An idea came to her and she smiled. "William James Turner, I order you to stop crying. No?" The small one paused, but scrunched up his face again to start another cannonade of tears. Elizabeth sighed,"No.."

The young mother adjusted her hold of the brawling baby, patted him on the back, and paced near the foot of her bed. "He's safe. We're safe. No, no, no,we're alright, Jaime…”

The baby hiccuped, and quieted. Elizabeth sat him on her lap. Two pairs of brown eyes met. “Did you like that name?" Jaime blinked. "You're such a little thing. 'William' is too long, 'Bill' and 'Will' are taken--you can blame your paternal grandfather for naming his son after himself." The little person tilted his head to one side almost as if he were considering her words.

"Is that an 'Aye'?Well," said Elizabeth smiling,"I like it."

potc fanfiction

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