Fic: The Prankster

Jul 07, 2008 03:06

“I understand, sir.” said Gillette sheepishly before turning on his heel and heading out the door.

Norrington looked to Groves. “Any luck catching the culprit?”

“I’m quite certain he doesn’t want to be caught, sir.”

“Keep a look out. As amusing as some of them are I can’t have my officers bursting in twice a week over haunted hats.”

“If you don’t mind me asking, sir. Why didn’t you want me to tell Gillette I’m searching for the prankster?”

“He seems to be the most frequent victim and if this individual isn’t caught soon…”

“You can’t have one of your lieutenants killing another lieutenant?”

Norrington smiled. “Well, that’s not the way I would’ve phrased it, but having you two at odds would be quite troublesome.”

“Your consideration is very kind, sir.” Norrington acknowledged his words with a nod of quiet dismissal. But, thought Groves as he turned away, not necessary. There won’t be any more pranks for him to be caught doing...I’ll have to get rid of that paint…

potc fanfiction, lj

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