KTTC Thunderpants and A Funny JumpStreet Quote

Jun 23, 2008 01:16

A trip through memory lane! Quotes I made up in the original Thunderpants thread:

Mullroy: Well...there's no real undergarment as can match the Interceptor.

Murtogg: The Black Pearly Thunderpants is a real ship.

Mullroy: No, no it's not.

Murtogg: Yes, it is, I've seen it.

Mullroy: You've seen it?

Murtogg: Yes.

Mullroy: You haven't seen it.

Murtogg: Yes, I have.

Mullroy: You've seen a pair of thunderpants with black cotton and pearls, that's sewed by the darned and worn by a man so evil that Hell itself spat him back out?

Murtogg: No.

Mullroy: No?

Murtogg: But I have seen a pair with black cotton and pearls.

Mullroy: Oh, and no ship that's not sewed by the darned and worn by a man so evil that Hell itself spat him back out could possibly have black cotton and pearls therefore couldn't possibly be any other pair than the Black Pearly Thunderpants. Is that what you're saying?

Murtogg: (Nods) No.

Norrington: Keep your thunderpants on him, men. Gillette, fetch some irons.
Gillette: Boxers or briefs?

"Russel, you know I'm a trained police officer. If you're not in my office in two days I will hunt you down and perform voodoo rites on your internal organs."
-Hanson, The Dreaded Return of Russell Buckins

I KNOW I said I'd write about my Disneyland trip ages ago...I will, honest.

kttc, 21 jump street, pirates of the caribbean

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