Coupling and 21 Jump Street

Apr 20, 2008 14:09

"You’ve never understood about bottoms, Jane. Having a bottom is like living with the enemy. Not only do they spend their lives slowly inflating, they flirt with men while we’re looking the other way.

- Sally, "Her Best Friend’s Bottom", Coupling

"Another Slamerino! "-Tom Hanson, "The Worst Night of Your Life" ,21 Jump Street

"Just hang back and follow my lead; these are my people."
"Tom Hanson -- Born To Prep."
-- Hanson and Penhall, "My Future's So Bright I Have to Wear Shades" ,21 Jump Street

"We're the McQuaid Brothers--HAH!"

Hanson and Penhall, 21 Jump Street
You know you're obsessed with Pirates of the Caribbean when you watch two different TV series because they have PotC actors in them. :D

I've recently finished watching season two of Coupling and season one of 21 Jump Street. They're definitely worth a watch.

Coupling: It's show about six people, three women and three men largely based around how men and women see things differently in relationships and the like.

They deal with things in such a matter of factly fashion as only the British can.

Jack Davenport is hilarious as Steve with his rant monologues about how couch pillows are pointless and a lengthy pause that seemed to grow like The Blob. Even if I wasn't imagining him in a wig half the time it would've been funny. It's a shame he never had any comedic bits in PotC--he had terrific comedic timing and expressions. He isn't the only reason to watch either.

Susan is Steve's girlfriend. She's smart, pretty,
"Did I flick my hair too much?… Yeah, I used to over-flick. So easy to cross the line between suggesting flirtatious and approachable, and suggesting there’s something living in your ear. "

Jeff, Steve's best friend is the one with some very interesting opinions and is a source of knowledge about things like the sock gap, the giggle loop, and the nudity buffer.

Jane, beautiful, mad and she happens to be Steve's ex-girlfriend. One memorable quote: "Vegetarianism for me is about saying ‘yes’ to things - even meat."  Uh, no it isn't ...

Sally is horrified at the thought of aging and is a beautician. She often goes to extremes to avoid her impending doom: "Since thirty, I’ve had to put a daily limit on facial expressions. I only ever smile at single men so I can justify the loss of elasticity."

Patrick, I'll just say another quote is in order.

" What do you call people you go out with but you don’t try to sleep with?"
"Men. "
Sally and Patrick, Coupling

21 Jump Street The eighties, the music, the fashion, and a bit depressingly dealing with problems that still affect us today like drugs, homicide, teen pregnancy, racism, ect. It's about a group of police officers who go undercover as high schoolers to catch people before they grow up and commit more serious offenses. Their headquarters are at what was formerly the Jump Street Chapel.

It's cool seeing Depp play his mostly straight Hanson character and then turn around transforming himself into whoever he's suppose to be undercover then switching back again. The rest of the cast is pretty strong too. :D

coupling, 21 jump street

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