Fic:Jack and Will One Shots

Jan 23, 2008 02:08


Title:A Word On Mr. Turner's Sword Throwing
Author: meowbooks
Rating: PG
Word count: 103
Disclaimer: Pirates of the Caribbean most unquestionably doesn’t belong to me. This is what I think Captain Jack would say if he had read Jaina Kenobi’s one shot “Aim”. You can find her one shot on This is the about the bit at the beginning of the movie where Will throws that sword to keep the captain from escaping.
A Word On Mr. Turner’s Sword Throwing

I am most pleased that Mr. Will Turner was unfortunate enough to miss my head and other vital organs that I most assuredly would need some time in the future. I suppose in light of this revelation I should scurry on over to his humble abode and visit the young man to express my utmost gratitude and appreciative view of his skills.
Or therefore lack of.
Of course, I would do well to voice my appreciation in better mannered terms, which complimented him more or less, preferably more. I’ll have to think on that one.

Jack Sparrow, Rightful Captain of the Black Pearl

Author: meowbooks
Rating: PG
Total Word Count: 125

    “Ah, welcome to New York City, Mr. Turner!”

“Tell me again why we couldn’t find someone closer for information.”

“What better way to know things than to go where they occur?”

“It happened in New York?”

“No, it happened off the coast of Hispaniola.”

“Then why are we here.”

“Because she’s here.”



“So she is the one who knows what we need to know?”

“No. She is the one who knows where the one who knows what we need to know is. Savvy?”

“So she’s a friend of the person who has the information.”


“Isn’t that what you just said?”

“No, I said ‘She knows where the one’-”

“Let’s just go-I’ll figure it out later.”

“Or I could explain it to you.”

potc fanfiction, drabble

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