Fic: The Last Farewell- Part One

Dec 29, 2007 12:40

Title: The Last Farewell
Rating: PG
Word Count for Part One : 485
Characters: William James Turner III, Elizabeth, James, Will
Pairings: Norribeth, Willabeth
Summary: Okay, let's see 5 years after the Maelstrom Elizabeth hears a voice she never expected to hear again.
I really should finish at least one of my other fics before starting a new one, but one of them is nearly finished so I say close enough!

The Last Farewell

Part One

This tale begins like many others have on a cold wintry night, on a shore, in the sand. A young boy sat, cross legged in the sand. He had a fine tasseled sword in his lap, long and silver, glinting in the moonlight like the eyes of a cat. He looked up at the stars wondering about many scars-the stories behind them occurred before he was born.
    There was one on the palm of his mother's right hand put there by a cursed man. Later, he would be an ally, presiding  her wedding when time was short. There was one on her shoulder from a cannon blast that saved her, yet nearly severed her life. A few feet more and she would've been like her unfortunate host. She would've never been captured by one of the last links to her past.
    The boy is called by a distant voice. He sheathed the sword and ran across the sand. Mum, won't like it if she has to call twice.

Elizabeth sat in her wooden chair by the fire, a book in her lap. The door behind her creaked open. She frowned, but didn't turn around.There was silence then a cheerful,"Hello!"
     She shook her head and smiled. It was far too late for him to be up. "Jamie..."
    "My name is William James Turner, pleased to meet you!" Oh. Well, they'd have to practice meeting father tomorrow it was much too--
    "As am I." Elizabeth's eyes slowly left the book to stare into memory where the replying voice belonged. She saw him standing there, but what she saw kept changing. Brown hair tied back with black cloth smirking about a short stop and a sudden drop. No, bowing and holding out his hand to dance just as she had thought young Ms. Perkins couldn't be more unbearably conceited.  The wind was blowing the white feathers on his hat, in full brocaded dress for the ceremony, his commanding presence wavering, as she struggled to tell him why she was breathless. There was mud dripping from a ragged wig, the strange beard,and familiar eyes, but the voice she knew was changed.No,no,no one second to comprehend she'd never look into those green eyes again... 
    "Are you looking for mum?" Elizabeth stood, the book fell to the ground, she whirled around. The tall visitor had a small amused smile on his face as his eyes met her's, "James?"
    "Uh-huh!" piped Jamie. "Mr. Gibbs says his sense of humor was squished when they put a heavy hat on his head." Elizabeth blinked, smiled and picked up the small boy. "Did he?You should be in bed."
    "But Mister..." Jamie paused and looked at his new friend realizing he didn't know his name. "He's visiting and you said when we have visitors I can sit up with you.I don't know his name yet."
    "Yes, you do." She looked at him. "This is James Norrington."

Part Two

potc fanfiction

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