
Jun 02, 2007 00:41


The pirates of lore,fiction, and fact have swam into our waters and washed ashore.Aye, they seem to be everywhere now. They're smiling from cereal boxes, swinging from bonecages, dangling on necklaces, splashed across screens, hiding under gift wrapping, peeking out from books, swashing into cinemas, the skull and crossbones adorn clothing, pirates are making their mark- and that is merely in the physical world. In the digital world, whole communities are dedicated to them or some aspect of them.
There are those fascinated by the historical aspect of them, the part they've played in our world, commerce, country relations and culture. Then, there are those who have seen Pirates of the Caribbean:The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) and Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006) and the third movie, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. The last group would be those who belong to both. The one's who were interested by the movies and wanted to know who the real golden age of piracy era pirates were and the ones who have always liked pirates, have seen the movies, and fallen into it's grasp.
It is the ones who love the movies that I will talk about here. Mostly, to be honest, because I am one of them. :)

life, pirates, pirates of the caribbean

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