PotC oneshots of sorts...

Aug 23, 2007 20:51

I wrote these lines of dialogue when we were still speculating and anticipating AWE. I found them again in a dusty old corner of my email folders and decided to create oneshots out of them. Basically, what I imagined the scenes might be like before I saw AWE. I hope you enjoy them.:D

Another Meeting with an "Old Friend"

The guards shoved the once-dead pirate into the cabin and shut the unusually ornate double doors.  He rubbed his wrists. He could still feel the irons they had taken off them for his "visit" with an old friend. He scanned the room for the chest that would be his route to immortality. He stopped at a wigged head that was bowed over pieces of parchment and a hand that was carefully writing on them. It seemed the two sensed the other's presence in that instant. Lord Cutler Beckett raised his eyes slowly to meet his before taking in the pirate's appearence. The lord leaned back in his chair and said calmly without a trace of surprise that might've been seen in a less worthy opponent, "Jack Sparrow."
       En guard. Jack grinned flashing his gold teeth,"Ah,you remember. I see I left quite the impression on you."
    " Impressed? Hardly." At this Jack grinned ever wider, plopping into the chair in front of Beckett's desk.
      "And yet you've spent all this time trying to get rid of me..."
     " And you've spent all this time running." 
      "Negotiating. "
       Beckett smirked," Failing.I don't believe dying is considered a triumph."

Not a Word

This wouldn't go well, he had to find him, he had to warn him. Where in Tortuga could he possibly be? Gibbs could  think of dozens of places, too many to search by himself and the crew had disappeared along with their captain among the crowd last night. He hadn't seen any of them this morning. "Cotton!" Two heads looked up at Joshamee Gibbs. One was colorful and the other bearded. "Have you seen Jack? I have to- "
"Wind in the sails! Wind in the sails!" This was good, this was something, but he had to know:  "Where?"

Cotton jerked his head indicating a spot behind him. Gibbs rushed forward. "Jack? Oh..."
     "Never seen my lovely Pearl have you m'dears?" Jack smiled an arm around Gieselle and another around Scarlett. The two beauties giggled. He seemed not to notice Gibbs walking in step with them until he spoke, "Jack...
    "Sssh!" Jack turned his attention back to the beautiful ladies by him. "She's sitting prettily,,,"
Jack looked up. He stopped. His eyes widened at the lack of what he had expected to find. No, magnificent Black Pearl. An empty berth. " Mr.Gibbs!"
"Aye, a ship and a crew-won't breathe a word of what you get us in..."
"That's much appreciated.GO!"

Are You Sure?

"We are gathered at this high-toned fancy to do as we've arrived at a very special place...geographically, morally-" Jack coughed. Everyone shifted a bit as all were guilty of crossing lines. "Ah. The point is of course is a wedding, between young Mr.Turner-"Jack nodded towards him, then Elizabeth. "-and his lady love, Lizz--Elizabeth." Elizabeth warned him with a look.
"Any objections?" Jack whirled around inspecting everyone and came to a stop. He squinted his eyes, put a hand above them to shade against the sun and said, "Is that a hand? No, that's a-what is that?"
 "It's a hat. " grunted the owner of said hat.
"You need to find yourself another hat, mate. "
Will rolled his eyes," Jack... "
Jack jumped up to see over heads, he leaned left, then right, "Where's Marty? "
"Ah-hem."Jack looked down to the left at a scowling Marty. " Oh. Jus' making sure you weren't...covered." 
 "Jack!" chided the soon-to-be-married couple. Jack flinched. 
" Right! No one?" He looked around once more. "No one?" He looked at Elizabeth and whispered, "Are you sure? "
  "YES! "
"You didn't receive mar-ri-age news well and I want to be resolutely-"
"JACK! " shouted Will
"I'm-can't rush- "
Will and Elizabeth glared in a if-you-don't-marry-us-we'll-kill-you way. Jack gulped and quickly said,
"Do-ye-two-so-swear-to-love-honor-and be free? "
Will softened as he looked at Elizabeth, "Aye. "
Jack nodded and quietly said, "Ah, you may-" There was no need to say it. Jack pulled a bottle of rum out of his coat.." DRINKS ALL AROUND!"

And now a bit more fluff! I found another ol' food fight song I wrote ...

Barbossabeth, it's just fine, wine and apples and "Arr!" sublime!
Sparropeters, strumpets are free, we already know you can make Jack happy!
Willabeth, long lovely looks and sweet smiles, you'll triumph through the miles!
DirtyJack! (Jar of Dirt and Jack) DirtyJack! Dirt may have blown to a distant wind , but you stayed true to the end!
Norribeth, Norribeth, he's so lovely whether he be scruffy or stuffy!
Beckabeth, snark, battle of wits and power-
over the world and wig powder!
Sparrabeth, pirates indeed, clever minds-

potc fanfiction, kttc

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