Only one person will probably see this, but eh.

Apr 21, 2015 02:51

I haven't posted in ages. I don't even know what to write. Fandom update? Fandom update!

Current Fandoms in descending order from Most Into Right Now to Slow Simmer, but Still Important:
Supernatural-The Angst. The supernatural-ness. The family-first, kinda problematic, co-dependent brothers who save the world, #alwayskeepfighting , and all of that.

Arrow/ Flash- I'm behind on Flash, but wow Arrow's been busy. Brandon Routh is amazing and I'm so glad he gets to be a part of DC comics media. His Ray Palmer is a joy. Felicity is amazing. I'm totally digging the Batman/Superman vibes from Oliver and Barry.

Agent Carter/Agents of SHIELD/MCU- I don't have Netflix so I can't speak about Daredevil or anything that will be on that.
Hayley Atwell was fan-bloody-tastic. I'm still disappointed in What's His Face for taking credit in the last episode, but what can you do? I JUST WANT SEASON 2.

I'm behind on SHIELD. BUT ADAMA WAS ON IT AND IS STILL FRACKING AWESOME. But Team Coulson all the way.

Galavant- I ALSO WANT SEASON 2. Singing, self-aware, medieval shenanigans ala Monty Python and Robin Hood: Men in Tights. Lassiter, Lee Jordan, Juggernaut. I want them all back. Lee Jordan (Luke Youngblood) the most, but I'm incredibly biased because I RP Lee and have for like five years?

Community- It's clever and meta and funny and the move to Yahoo Screen has been perfect so far. It's 2 in the morning so I can't speak about what in detail, but it's surreal world is even weirder and I love it.

Doctor Who- Love it, but it's not on right now. Also, I'm heartbroken over Danny. Merp.

Harry Potter- Perpetually in this one.Mostly RP-wise at the moment.

Worth Mentioning but am only in like to watch it stage: Teen Wolf,Broadchurch, Orphan Black, Person of Interest,Game of Thrones.

Whoa how'd these happen, but I'm only in fond attachment stage: Empire, Grimm, I've also picked up Fox's Bones and ABC's Castle.

my brain, friends post, personal

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