Christmas Run-Down

Dec 25, 2008 20:26

Not a bad rundown mind, just more of a "this is what happened" rundown *grin*.

Had to work today. Wasn't too bad, mainly people wanting their LPG cylinders filled, ice, and petrol. Pretty simple shit, and customers were few and far between enough that I could actually get crap done like bag more ice and stock freezers and chillers and all that magical jazz. Pretty good day, and workmates were good to hang about with and just chat with in bits of downtime. 6 hours with holiday pay as well. SCORE. Much the same tomorrow!

Then went over to mum and dads place not long after work, with a brief stop past home to change my clothes, FEED THE CAT (not really fault worthy - little bitch won't come in when it's food time, that's cool. Cow can go hungry for a bit), and pickup my XBOX 360. Wondering why they want this when I know mum and dad have more than enough family party games like Singstar and BUZZ on the PS2, it seems they wanted to play a bit of bejewelled too (*cough* BULLSHIT! and you'll see why in a moment). Cool. Grabbed everything, and out the door and over to mum and dads place, straight into christmas dinner/lunch for a feed (for me, turkey and all the trimmings, usual vegetable fare in the form of spuds carrot and greens, and a bottle of Chimay *NOM*) before opening gifts (everyone else had already done theirs, bastards).

The motive behind the xbox360 was soon clear after weeding through everything. Tin of cookies, pen from grandma and grandad, toblerone (BIG one) from grannie and grandad, and then gifts from immediate family. They had all gotten me gift vouchers for EB games EXCEPT for my parents, until the last minute. SO, from my parents was a wireless Les Paul guitar hero controller, and from my younger siblings a copy of Guitar Hero World Tour for my trusty XBrick. Happy, camper. Got mum a copy of singstar abba, my closest sibling (by age) a copy of the new Jamie Oliver book, and the other two some jewelerry bits from a place called Diva.

Not long after that, I cracked out the laptop while setting up the xbox on my parents television to crank some forza and some guitar hero magic, and set the email a checkin'. All I will say is this. Collateral, you gammy bastard! You got me something and I didn't get you anything and now I feel like a complete cock! I'll get you back! Though the iTunes gift certificate will be well used!

That's all for christmas I suppose. I expect the next entry will be done in either a drunken or a hungover stupour after new years. Peace!
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