Oct 13, 2004 14:33
Um...soo..tetris is fun..yea. well there ya go I updated. Yea.
Today/PSAT for like...3 hours? I randomly filled in the bubbles I guess. I felt sick my eyes were chinese looking I dunno why.Allergies I guess they were a bit poofy when I woke up. PSAT I signed as Andrew Reynolds. The teacher made me fix it. no on knew who Andrew Reynolds is. Then A comet hit the earth and were all dead so this entry is irelavent.
There are no hot guys in north county. well there are just not smart ones or fun ones. Just BLAH boring retarded pot head douche bag white trash no good retards. My brothers a stupid pot head every one is. in this bneighboor hood every one smokes weed. gaytarded.
where all the cool kids at yo.
moo. i wish I lived not in AA county.
When the signs that are for election go up then I go out into the dark night to retrieve them and take them away. there stupid looking. I dont care avbout who votes for who signs are ugly.
SNOW haha