Nov 07, 2008 13:45

Oh crap.

Managed to make a complete arse of myself on my National Insurance Number interview. I fail so spectaluraly, yet again. If I was a superhero, I would probably be called Failwoman, and I would fight crime by going up to teh evil guys and fail, thus dragging them with me in my black hole of failyness.

Lella, I'm so sorry :(((!!! I had to tell the truth of where I've been living. I lied about the hostel-thing right in her face, and even
elaborated on it, and spun a nice spider web of lies. But. It backfired on me. She needed to know the addresses to all the places I've been living. And... I told her I couldn't remember the names over and over again, but she said "you have to at least have a clue, you lived there!" And. And. And. She told me I could be prosecuted if they found out I didn't tell the truth after I signed the paper. And there were scary guards everywhere. And I panicked. I'm so, so sorry Lella-chan -___-!!! I didn't know what else to do :((((!!! What should I have done? God, the whole thing was so awful. If anything should happen because of this (but I don't think it should, but I don't know if they'll contact Uni) I'll pay the fine, and of course you can stay with me until you find something. please don't hate me :'(?

I'm going to go hide under a rock now ;__;!

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