
Nov 15, 2009 02:46

Today, I learned how important water is to have handy.
There's the obvious need for water, and thirst and all that, but there's something else that I discovered (or rediscovered, actually).
If you have a ready supply of water, then you eat less. Some times people, myself included, will just want to be consuming something, Eating or drinking, Either one; doesn't matter.
With water handy, not only does it help with the oral interaction, it is also needed by the body. What is it, 1-2 litres a day?
Not only that, but just water doesn't have much in the way of a salty or sweet taste, so unlike chips or pop, it doesn't make you want more.
Go water go.
Once lost about 30 lbs by drinking a lot of water and walking more. Okay being broke also helped with that.

health, water

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