Oct 28, 2005 04:56
So, it's Week 8 of the quarter. Holy shit, I've been in college for a total of 9 weeks now. It's gone by all too fast, but at the same time I'm ready to graduate. What the hell.
Everything that could happen this week, has. Thankfully (I guess) it's not all being done to me, but around me, like a storm I'm kind of stuck in. I mean, I'm dealing with everything in an organised (as organised as can be) way, but still, shit needs to stop. Right now. Monday starts Week 9, which means that there are about two weeks left until this quarter is over. I am (almost) my first third through my first year of college. Damn.
Anyway, I still have a 6-page paper to write on the editing of Goodfellas for my film class. Thanks for accepting me, PhotoHouse. There is a film major on my floor and I will hit him up for his DVD and knowledge. Awesome. Oh, and a 2D-Design project needs to be printed on nice paper and mounted. Shit. And I need to think about my next 2D assignment. And learn how to use an off-camera flash and bounce it and shit, too. While I'm at it, maybe make some decent portraits with it? Who the hell knows. Anything is possible, right? If I can get all this stuff done, as well as finally doing my financial aid bullshit for yet ANOTHER loan, I think I'll be on top of things.
This means starting my paper and shooting tomorrow. Or at least mounting that 2D project. I think I will mount that 2D project and shoot. That sounds like it's possible. That is my goal for tomorrow (today?), and I feel I can complete it. I washed my dishes, called my grandmother, wrote my self-evaluation, took my Western Art and Architecture test, and woke up at 1PM just in time for a class. Oh, I'm TOTALLY staying on top of my shit. It looks like I'll be getting As in most of my classes. The only ones I'm if-y on are 2D (I'm between an A and B) and Western Art and Architecture. I'll take a B in Art&Arch, but I want that damn A in 2D. And if I get an A in photo, I will put on a really nice performance for everyone that cares to come and see it. It'll be a good time, I assure you.
Um, it's 5 after 5(am) and I need to go to bed. I should've been in bed, asleep, a long time ago.