Oct 01, 2011 01:26
1. I went to my Sociology tutorial and guess what? My TA looks like Jon Walker! Like, all band shirt and jeans and flip flops and vaguely cheerful and he has a lispy way of saying things and he has a scruff and floppy hair! Just like Jon Walker oh my god! I spent the whole class not thinking about Sociology at at all! Jon Walker! Oh, be still my heart. ♥ ♥ ♥
2. Also, one of the sophs on my floor looks just like Bob Bryar! Bob Bryar is made of epic and win! And my soph looks like him! But unfortunately his personality is nothing like Bob Bryar's... but anyways, every time I have a conversation with him, I just end up gazing into his eyes and sighing, which is unfortunate, because I'm not actually in love with my soph. I'm in love Bob Bryar's MCR past. No body understands me!
3. On of the guys on my floor, we'll call him CS, is the most amazing creature on the face of the planet. Apparently, last night, he got drunk of like, one shot and was staggering around being fantastic and he saw this hot guy and he made out with him and he woke up with friction burn. All over his face. Really bad friction burn. No, seriously it was so terrible, it was like he'd face planted into a carpet and rolled around in it. But really, he just made out with a scruffy sort of dude and it was beard burn. I laughed so hard at him. And I am so officially his fag hag, we went shopping today and we got clothes for him. Hot clothes. Rawr.
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