Yes I have made up a word (again)

Apr 07, 2011 21:53

1. I have started Supernatural. It alternates between making me ridiculously happy and scaring the shit out of me. On one hand, Sam and Dean, the two main characters, are both ridiculously hot and on the other hand, OH GOD THERE IS BLOOD DRIPPING FROM THE CEILING WHY IS THERE BLOOD DRIPPING FROM THE CEILING WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT OH DEAR LORD SAVE ME. So much mood whiplash. I sprain things when I watch Supernatural (HEARTS).

2. I've discovered that if I watch the scary bits on mute and make up my own dialogue, they become considerably less so. Thus, I've been watching a goodly portion of Supernatural on mute, because so much of it terrifies me. Haha.

Sam and Dean continue to be hot. Scaldingly hot. Burning hot. Hot like a blue flame Bunsen burner. Hot like nuclear fission. Rawr.

3. My internet is playing games with me again. Craptastic, let's-not-work-ever-again games. I am not amused. Actually, I am so not amused I am weeping.

4. My dad canceled the Bell internet and we are now using Rogers. IT SUCKS BALLS. I am downloading my stuff at 15kB/s and my computer has mysteriously reformatted itself for no apparent reason and I cannot download my programs again and I am quickly running out of Supernatural episodes to watch and iTunes has decided to fuck off all together and I cannot reinstall anything because my internet is shit and Opera has decided to fuck off to God only knows where and MY RSS FEEDS, I HAD LIKE 70 RSS FEEDS HOW WILL I EVER FIND THEM AGAIN ON SHITTY NOT-AESTHETICALLY PLEASING AT ALL FIREFOX WHICH SEARCHES THINGS WITH BING WHAT THE HELL IS BING ANYWAYS AAAAAAUUUUUUGGGHHHHHH I AM DOWNLOADING THINGS AT 12KB/S WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCKERY SHOOT ME I DEMAND YOU SHOOT ME NOW I CANNOT LIVE IN A WORLD WHERE I AM UNABLE TO LISTEN TO MUSIC, LOOK ART AND WATCH PORN. 6 FUCKING KB/S WHAT THE FUCKERY.

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