Sep 26, 2003 02:38
This is from the second rewrite.
A long time ago, before man had walked the Earth, there existed a planet much like Earth. This planet was inhabited by a race who was older then man is even now, their heritage traced back to millions of years before Earth even had one celled life. The inhabitance of this planet called it Atlas, and their people Atlans.
The planet Atlas was larger then Earth, but only slightly. It was the fifth planet in its system, and revolved around a single sun. A golden ring of many layers floated ever so gently around the planet, as if the universe was caressing it. And two moons were its satellites.
The people there had evolved over the generations in a more peaceful manner then those of Earth have. For their first few hundred years their history was mildly violent, with wars over land waged, but the lesson that one cannot own the earth was learned quickly. They grew in technology and surpassed human's wildest fantasy in science, solving questions that scientist still cannot understand upon Earth.
They had learned over the ages that abusing their resources would only hurt them in the end, and so they evolved ways to co-exist as much as possible with their planet. Pollution was unheard of, nothing was wasted, and the planet thrived.
They had also learned over the ages of the energies that flow all around us, the elements that gave life and also took life. And they knew that all these energies flew from and to one great consciousness, the mother of all life… the Universe.
They began to use these energies, and slowly their race became intertwined with the Universe. Five elements, earth, fire, water, air, and spirit made up their 'races'. A being could only wield one of these energies well, and over time, they became very powerful in the uses of these elements.
Another element existed within the energies, a tainted energy that grew with the negativity of the Universe's inhabitance. It fed off hate, and misery. It wanted to be even more powerful, and so it sought control of the entire Universe. Like a virus it began to disrupt the flow of the energies, throwing the Universe off balance. Its energies began to taint the life force, and its plan was set into motion.