The power of cheap quotation

Mar 11, 2010 13:51

Last night was a particularly bad one. I've come onto campus just to pick up some work to take home, because we've had to rejig everything to get the adults enough sleep for them to last til this evening.  On the drive in, I was listening to local radio,as I usually do when I'm driving. The journey takes about 8 minutes, which usually seems to be about 3 songs. Todays's playlist was:

I don't feel like dancing (How true. Although also this song does always make me feel like dancing)
Praise You (Fat Boy Slim, which is My Song, for many reasons but including the apposite 'We've come a long, long way together / Through the hard times and the good/  I have to celebrate you baby / otherwise I'd scream the place down as you are, indeed, doing all through the night, waking everyone else in the household, even the cat)
Tonight's gonna be a good, good night.

So I'm going to read meaningful and cheerful omens into these random occurances

Random occurances I am going to ignore: I was given some magic beans to plant for Christmas which are supposed to come up with words appearing on the leaves (you could certainly see the words on the beans). I had one called 'love' and one called 'happiness'. One failed to germinate at all (PB declared it was 'happiness') and the other put up the first leaves, took a look round our kitchen, wilted and died. There is no significance to this. To be on the safe side, though, I'm going to dispose of the beans in the council green waste bin, not throw them out of the kitchen window. Weed control in the garden is hard enough without adding megaflora. And LB would only fall off it and break his neck. Which I don't really want to happen. Really.

popular culture, gardening, sleep, toddlers

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