Less promising

Jan 13, 2010 10:25

Tuesday night:
Woke 9.45, quite bad crying for about 15 minutes(?), then intermittent + coughing. Took N-BA about an hour to settle him.

Woke at either 1.15ish or 3.15ish. I think the former, N-BA thinks the latter, and they're more likely to be right because they woke up properly whereas I just groaned and stuffed my fingers in my ears. Settled without too much crying (?)

5.20ish woke and wouldn't go back to sleep despite clearly being tired. Intermittent crying and lots of lying drowsily in N-BA's arms but waking up and wailing as soon as put in cot. N-BA gave up at 6.30 and I fed him and he got up for the day.

Logging this so we feel we have reliable data on which to base decision on whether to persevere. Somewhat undermined by not actually finding out what happened from reliable witness before I wrote this.

sleep, breastfeeding

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