Crowdsourcing my teaching needs

Nov 02, 2011 12:14

I have just spent an hour on YouTube failing to find a short video clip where teen or young parents (or just one teen parent) talks about being a parent younger than is usually expected.  I'm looking for something which does not villify teen parents but is either upbeat about what being young can bring to being a parent or balanced - talking about the pros and cons.

ETA: It does need to include the person talking about there being norms about what age you should have children, rather than something that treats it as unremarkable for a teenager to be parent (this is for pedagogic reasons. Politically, I think it's great if teen parents can talk about their experiences and just ignore any idea that they shouldn't be teen parents).

Ideally it would come from the UK, but US is okay. I only want 2 or 3 minutes of footage, but it could be part of a longer piece. It doesn't need to be professionally produced, although that would be nice, but it can't be so wobbly/badly shot/inaudible that students are likely not to watch it.

So far I am finding only extremely badly shot things by teen mums themselves or glossy 'don't get pregnant, teens!' infommercials from the US. There used to be a great website called grrrrl mom (possibly with fewer or more 'r's than that) which was an offshoot of Hip Mama but I can't seem to find it any more.

I don't suppose anyone happens to know of anything that might be suitable?

Actually, it doesn't absolutely have to be a video, now I come to think of it. It could be a website that I can direct students to poke around. But it can't just be a case study, because I've already got three of those within the material and I need to vary the types of resource.

Any suggestions much appreciated.

Thank you!

teaching, work, pedagogy, ageism

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