"sing like you think no one is listening"

Feb 19, 2006 12:42

I've been doin some thinkin lately
and not in the usualy emo way
which is obvoiusly good.

I am gonna start working on myself.
I really need to.
The realization has been theif for a while
but I really need to do it.

I want to comite myself more to GOD
because I have really been slacking.
I want to feal like my glass is full again.

I was standing in church today
and realized the closest I ever was to GOD
was when I was in Mexico.
I was still really close to him
and was walkin great after that
and for a good while after
but I wasn't as on fire as I was.

I am on a mission!

I have today off!!!!
I wanna see Mike
but I might have to go to somethin tonight.
I don't really want to.
I get the retainer tomorrow.
Oh well, I knew it had to happen some time.
Rar...I love days off.
I should do some school tonight
and a little in the mornin.
I wanna sleep sometime soon. xD

Love to all!
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