hey I graduated today. I'm sunburnt and have heard enough Hillary Clinton pseudo-upraising bullshit to last a lifetime, and even got to see a stadium tear up as she hugged a young handicapped girl as she received her diploma on behalf of my school. Whoop de doo.
So what I really want to talk about is this movie.
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basically its chucky meets dolemite, it looks like the best movie ever. Its screening at my friends theatre in philly in june. I can't wait to see it.
I was researching it, and came across this review.
It's titled "The Movie I Don't Want To Tell You About." Its some real bullshit by some self-righteous critic asshole who needs to be tortured with a lifetime of forced Troma screenings. This movie couldn't more obviously be a comedy and he reviewed it like its dead serious.
this was my response, which I tried to keep civil and honest.
" What type of self righteous agenda are you trying to appease here by warning people of a movie(and let's face it, that's still promotion) which obviously isn't a blockbuster of any sorts? There's no million dollar corporations to bring down, no multiplexes to harass, there's not even a major star to try to blacklist. This type of film-making, whether you like it or not, is art in its purest form, a self sufficient expression of an auteur's vision. Whether or not you agree with the social statements the movie is making or the ways in which it makes them isn't even an issue, especially since this movie so obviously possesses such blatantly parody based comedic elements. Could it be that, just maybe, its not only exploiting these genres and cultural pieces, but commenting on how they were exploited in the past? If you don't want to see the movie that's fine, but don't act all high and mighty for "taking a stance" against a low budget exploitation movie. This isn't the 70s, no one cares that you're offended(and if you are legitimately offended maybe you should take a step back and realize that this movie has the artistic goal of offending people like you), and everyone has the right to make the movie they want to within reason. If this is such a problem please feel free to make your own movie, not some half-assed moral plea on a web site."
If you agree with me, please also leave some well thought out comments to show this critic what a piece of scum he really is.