a novel idea

Jan 04, 2006 14:17

I have this entry at my lj, thought post it here as well for further feedback.
idapeedapants, what do u think?
(how come i rarely see you online on ym? dah kerja ek?)

clear mind produce better ideas (entry tidak ada kena mengena dengan tajuk)

TokRimau & Tempe

Menjejaki TokRimau lebih susah dari menjejak seekor harimau bila danchan merajuk. Dan masih lagi rasa pelik, apa yang TokRimau gembira sangat bila dia jumpa mentallysane? Sebab dia tak tau kemana trsk berpindah? Sedangkan TokRimau yang famous tuh bertukar blog sesuka hati tanpa inform, apalagi aku yang dah lama melucutkan jawatan superonlinejournalstar ha ha ha ha. Kalau ingat zaman dulu-dulu, semuanya gumbira-gumbira saja. Mana juga hatiemas sponsor url aku itu. Budi belum terbalas, kisah tempe jugak yang aku ingat. Berpuluh-puluh chat sessions dengan hatiemas dan Syida semata-mata fasal Tempe. Sekarang nampak Syida online pun aku tak tersapa.

A Novel Idea

aku : this yr
aku : aku nak set nak kawin
aku : boleh ke?
cikdaun : boleh
cikdaun : insyaAllah
aku : bagus2
aku : aku akan setkan dalam otak aku for a yr
aku : pastuh next yr
aku : aku tulis novel
aku : hahahahahahahahahaah
cikdaun : yesssss
cikdaun : ehehehe
aku : bernaskan idea aku?
aku : the end plot would be what happen in decemberlah

Tidak. Ini bukan fasal desperate. Tapi katanya dapatkan experience. Salahkan Elin kerana tercetusnya idea ini.

Elin, superbloghopper, terjumpa satu blog dan dengan penuh imaginasi membaca satu entry dengan membayangkan Ms RB yang dimentionkan dalam blog tuh adalah kawan dia yang infamous. Dia ingat kawan dia ada affair selama dua bulan yang dirahsiakan tanpa pengetahuan orang lain. Terkekek-kekek kitaorang bantai gelak. For awhile, the impossible seems possible to happen. Cik Tita bila dapat khabar, secepat mungkin email 2,3 kali serentak,

"you have an affair for 2 months and I don't know about it!!!!!!!!"

"saper nieh? saper? saper?"

"you guys been calling but tak pernah jumpa???? saper? saper? saper?"

Tension dia sekejap bila diberitahu, Ms RB dalam entry itu, bukan kawan gila dia ini.

Line favaurite dalam entry itu,

"Damn it, woman. I think I�m in love with you."

Entry sweet and simple, peppered with brutalism.

Anyways. Setelah penat menganalisa entry itu (ada orang cakap we're too critical), tercetuslah idea bernas itu (takkan nak kata idea bodohkan?) dan diluahkan kepada Syura dan kemudiannya kepada Cik PB yang encourage sangat-sangat idea ni dan kemudiannya bertanya apa motif novel ini?

Daripada lawak bodoh jadi idea yang bernas (ya siapa cakap bual-bual kosong tak mendatangkan faedah? again, I can't say it's a stupid idea right?) dan jadi satu kemungkinan to be pursued.

Don't think it will be very difficult pun. Senang saja, let's go step by step of how we can work out this idea (kalau ada orang lain ciplak this idea, you know you read it here first!) :

1 - Brainwash own mindset from 'kawin ke tak kawin ke tak kisah' mindset to 'this-year-mesti-kawin-next-year-tulis-novel' mindset.

2 - Once that's done, setup a blog to chronicle every details. Don't us girls love full details? (easy pun suka full details, kan easy kan?)

3 - Ada 11 bulan, 27 hari to make this happen. Dreams are supposed to be achieved. Only that we're putting other dreams on hold and giving this a go.

4 - Set a list of rules.

- no matchmaking allowed
(we might just end up with one kind of race ya know?)
- no guys allowed to pursue
(have some difference, marketing strategy, cerita lelaki pursue perempuan dah COMMON)
- never to give up till 31st Dec 2006.

(more rules will be added)

5 - Setup a committee.

This is very important. Nak buat gathering these days pun ada committee. To build a relationship, must have one too. We need extras characters for the novel anyways. Dunia ini bukan berputar untuk kita seorang, ada juga insan-insan lain.

6 - Find sponsors

novelists from western countries usually, boleh dapat grant to allow them to write full time and at the same time earn some allowance.

nak pursue anak orang ni, perlukan masa dan tenaga. I'm a workaholic, kalau dah kerja, tak peduli hal orang lain (bila time ni saja, dunia saya sorang punya), so kalau ada monthly allowance, boleh relax from a fulltime job and just do part time work.

or better still, sharpen my skills in cooking, learn tailoring, better housekeeping management etc etc etc. This would be added bonus points.

Selalu orang dok cakap ngan si lelaki, nak kawin anak dara orang banyak responsibilities etc etc. Perempuan nak kawin anak teruna orang pun sama banyak tanggungjawab, takkan nak bagi anak orang tuh hari-hari makan tapau? Dari kecik sampai kawin mak dia kalau boleh nak bukak restaurant to feed her children, kita plak suka-suka nak ajak dia mengayakan kedai mamak dan yang seangkatan dengannya.

7 - Find an editor.

Kalau nak buat novel, takkan nak belasah sesuka hati bahasa kan? So tak susah. Tulis sesuka hati sesedap rasa. Editor can do the editing menepati citarasa orang ramai.

8 - Keep a secret from RH

Come on. You think if I tell this to RH she will be okay? Mau ada yang makan pill darah tinggi full dosage karang (she always take half of what doc asked her too).

I would like to say orang-orang tua is conservative but yang muda pun ada yang conservative and my grandma is cool with the idea of girls proposing to guys if they're really good compare to family choices. but not RH.

So I can't old people are conservative. It depends.

9 - Identify potential prospects
Takkan nak pursue any mat, ali or joni?
kalau lelaki-lelaki ni ada list of characteristic of girls they would want to get, we have to our own list as well.

And of course, we have to pursue the best, don't waste time on players, losers, before december is over, you already know the ending of it.

10 - Prepare for a heartbreak (after years of protecting it) or reasons to celebrate (after years of avoiding it)

Am a balance thinker. For every positivity, ada negativity to accompany it. You can't be too confident though without it you might not get even to the middle of it. But if you're too confident pun, when you fall, you fall hard. When you break, you go insane.

At the end of the day, it's the experience that counts. The journey to get what you want but remembering as well, in this cruel life, one doesn't get everything he wants.

So apa kata ahli panel?

All About the Kids

I had setup a separate blog for the kids. I can't help but gush about them most of the time, macam anak sendiri pulak. But we live under one roof and as what I always told the SiL, susah ada die hard fans, if they can have their ways, tidur pun nak ngan makcik dorang. cheyt!

It's not everyday you get an interactive, mentalistic, talking for the dinosaur aunt kan?

Links on your right.

10:19 p.m. - 2006-01-03

the two locos

aku: http://loqsusaheja.diaryland.com/
aku: scroll down to a novel idea
aku: i need your opinion on that
khalilur: ok
khalilur: tgh nak bukak
aku: terima kasih
aku: hahahahaa
aku: cause kau jer lelaki yg tak egoistic kitaorang kenal
aku: so tgk pendapat metrosexual kau
khalilur: hehehe
khalilur: i'm flattered
khalilur: aku tgh baca jap
aku: hhaha flattered cis

khalilur: anyway, aku dah bca
aku: and
khalilur: so, ko nak target kawin by end of this year and u wnat to chronicle yr journey
khalilur: is that it?
aku: ah yes
khalilur: just to be sure lah
khalilur: very interesting
aku: this includes the process of finding a calon
aku: pastuh convince him to get married
aku: ha ha ha ha
khalilur: ko dah start ko punya diari?
aku: belumlah
aku: nak bookmark ke?
khalilur: kena la start dari moment ko moot the idea
khalilur: and all the feedback u get
khalilur: tu blh msk gak dlm autobiografi ko tu
aku: don't u think it's crazy?
aku: comment2 kat situh
aku: so nanti aku save
khalilur: it is, but if it works, y not?
aku: bila aku setup the blog
khalilur: ko akan set up blog baru ni bila?
aku: once i get the comments
aku: then aku inform kau
aku: nak masuk committee ke?
khalilur: aku ok jer...
aku: setlah
aku: aku letak nama kau dulu
aku: as committee
khalilur: bolehhh ajaaaaaaa
aku: bukan org aku nak ngurat
aku: yiehaaaaaaaaaaaaa
khalilur: heheheh
aku: nati kau kawin aku bagi present besar
aku: ha ha ha ha
khalilur: bagus2
khalilur: aku tunggu
khalilur: kita tgk sapa kawin dulu
aku: masalahnya bila yg kau nak kawin?
aku: hahaaha
aku: as for siapa kawin dulu it's not an issue
khalilur: kita buat race to the altar laaaa
aku: gila nak buat race pulak
aku: aku nak letak dialogue nieh kat bloglah
aku: ha ha ha ha
khalilur: letak, jgn x letaaakkkk
khalilur: it's a novel idea, and if u can get a mention in the media somewhere, sure hits ko naik = more candidates offering themselves
aku: ha ha ha ha ha
khalilur: kan ada budak geju keje dgn karangkraf?
khalilur: mintak la dia selit mana2
aku: then putrajaya throw in a baitlah
aku: kasi apartment sebuah ke
khalilur: cheh
khalilur: ko ingat putrajaya aku punya ke?
khalilur: tak, ko masuk media dulu, lps tu bila bandwagon dah besar, ramai companies nak jadi sponsor utk dpt coverage
khalilur: rumah ke, kereta ke, kelengkapan rumah ke, mesti ada punya
khalilu1: paling kurang pun sponsor tongkat ali orang kampung dgn kacip fatimah
khalilur: :)
aku: lol

note : khalil works for perbadananputrajaya. thats why mintak apartment free ha ha ha.

so where's the rest of the comments? you're becoming part of history! be interactive!

10:56 a.m. - 2006-01-04

saya tak makan orang

So mostly (ada yang kena paksa to review ha ha) that the idea is quite good.

But, isn't there anyone whom would love to disagree? I mean come on, surely there must be at least one soul whom is thinking, like,

"desperate apa minah nieh?"


"gila punya kerja"


"when is she really gonna be sane?"

feel free to dish out the negativeness.

am serius about this, not just some kind of fooling around ideas. it's just a matter whether I'd do it or wouldn't I?

What do you think? Would I or wouldn't I?

there's been about 30 ppl reading but only 4 comments. what happen to the 26?

(to quote a few, you must demand for feedbacks if that's what you really want)

1:45 p.m. - 2006-01-04
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