Feb 10, 2004 19:29
ok well i havent really updated my lj completely lately there are a few things that have happened at home that have made me really depressed like i told my mom that i was bie and all she could do was put me down about it and say that there is no such thing as being bie. And i made her promise me that she wouldnt tell any one so wat dose she do but tell my step dada that night and she hasnt addmittied to it but he has been makeing rude coments to me about it and i think that i wont be able to trust my mom for a while now i just dont no how i am able to tell her ne thing ne more. I mean i found out that she nows bout me cutting myself and she says that she is going to give me room on that witch i really need help with but not little things like me being bye i mean wat kind a parent dose that. But ive been trying to get over all this bul crap at my house i found someone that is makeing me truly happy so im going be with her now when ever i am with her i smile she just makes me forget all lmy proplems. So ya i have a gf now and i hope that everything works with use i mean i not possitive that i want a gf right now but the only way to find out is by trying and i think that once i get over these things at home i will be fine. O if your wondering who the girl is its jill. im starting to feel happy again yay for me.