Drabble Tag the 4th!

May 27, 2013 21:03

What is a Mentalist Big Bang of any guise without its traditional accompanying Drabble Tag?

Not everyone is into drabbling and we're cool with that. So, if you want to treat this as a normal drabble tag with a precisely 100 word stipulation, that's fine. However, to encourage more activity, we'll accept any flashfic (less than 500 words) in answer to prompts.

So, what is a drabble?
A drabble is a very short piece of creative writing which is precisely 100 words in length.

Drabbling is an excellent way to start writing if you don't feel very confident with it, as it's only a very short piece. It's also good if you don't have much time - you can easily write a drabble in 10 minutes (sometimes less!).

What is drabble tag?
A game! The game will begin with TWO prompts, whoever comes across this first gets to choose which prompt they wish to write a drabble for. Once you have posted your drabble in response to a prompt (as a reply to the prompt comment) you MUST provide at least ONE prompt (as a new comment) so that the next person can play too. This keeps on going for as long as you like, with one or two new prompts appearing with each prompt filled.

As I said before, this is more flashfic tag. We will accept any replies to prompts which are less than 500 words. As some people find it difficult to aim for a precise word count, we're allowing this flexibility. This is in order to encourage more participation than the previous incarnation.

What should I include as my prompts?
Anything! You can include a word (e.g. pizza), phrases (e.g lost in translation), song lyrics (e.g. This is how you remind me, Of what I really am), quotes, etc. The world is your oyster and quite frankly, no one is going to tell you that your prompt is rubbish because what inspires one may not inspire others and visa versa. But please be aware that not everyone loves the same characters/pairings. Whilst prompts about Jane/Lisbon or Van Pelt/Rigsby are fine, try to keep your prompts general (or one of the two general, whilst the other can be character/pairing specific).

To remind you how Drabble Tag work?
The first comments for this game will be TWO PROMPTS.

The next person replies (to that comment, not the whole post) with a drabble or flashfic inspired by one of prompts.

They must then leave a new comment (to the whole post!) which contains a new prompt (or two).

Another person will then do exactly the same - post a drabble and another one or two prompts.

Feel free to leave comments to drabbles/flashfics!

Please remember to leave at least ONE prompt for EVERY drabble you write!


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