Hey all,
I just wanted to check in and let folks know that my epic Mentalist Fic The Red and the Grey is now complete... I just updated it over the weekend to incorporate some of the things we've seen in season four of the show (most notably Tommy and Anna Beth), so if you have the notion and haven't done so before, mosey on over and take a look!
Title: The Red and the Grey
Author: BloodWrites
Word Count: Approx 115K, Complete
Rating: R - mild M (Some violence/graphic images/sexy times)
Spoilers: Up to season 3 finale, then I go off on my own entirely
Synopsis: A new nemesis appears on the scene to avenge Red John, targeting Lisbon to get to Jane. Creepy dollhouses, life on the lam, and sexy Jisbon times abound.
Here's a snippet:
In the heart of LA at ten o'clock the next morning, Jane pulled to the curb outside a deserted nightclub and woke Lisbon. Her forehead was
hot to the touch, her shirt damp with sweat, and her pupils were the size of nickels when she looked at him, confusion clear on her face.
"Where are we?"
"An old friend's," he explained. He may as well have been speaking a foreign language, for the understanding in her eyes.
"Is that a giant squid?" she finally managed, indicating the sign at the front of the club.
"Uh - there?" He looked at the enormous squid with the bulging eyes on the club's marquis, and couldn't resist. "You must be hallucinating. Come on, up you go."
"It looks like a squid." She squinted her red eyes at the sign as Jane ushered her out and helped her to her feet. "Where did you say we are?"
"Lisbon, you're very ill - there's no time to explain."
The instant she was out of the car, the color drained from her face. Her legs buckled, and Jane caught her quickly.
"Whoa - steady, my dear. We don't have far to go. Just take it slowly. One step at a time."
"Just a second," she said. She squeezed his arm as she struggled to regain her equilibrium. "I just - I just need a second, Jane."
Several passersby stared at them both - which was understandable, given the bloodstained bandage at Lisbon's cheek, in addition to the bruises and swelling and the fact that she was clearly on the verge of collapse. He leaned in, still supporting her with one hand as he spoke to her quietly.
"You said you trust me. Do you promise not to punch me in the nose again?"
"No," she said quickly. "Definitely not."
Of course not. Damnable woman.
"Right. Well, then… Can you walk?"
"I'm not crippled, Jane."
He'd never met anyone so infuriatingly stubborn in his life.
"All right, then. Show me - walk." He stepped clear of her, swooping in a moment later just before she hit the sidewalk.
"That's what I thought." He lifted her into his arms.
"Jane, what the hell are you doing?"
"I'm carrying you. It's either that or you crawl. Do you feel like crawling?"
She had no response for that - that fact alone spoke volumes about the gravity of her condition. Heat radiated from her entire body. Within
just a few steps, she'd gone limp in his arms. Jane hurried toward the entrance with a feeling much like panic crowding each breath.
You can find the fic in its entirety