Posting Guidelines (Reverse 2013)

Aug 28, 2013 23:25

When posting your artwork/fiction, please remember that you must:
- post your work to your own LiveJournal
- post a master post to the Mentalist Big Bang community linking to both your work and the work of your partner (information is on how to do this is below)

Who needs to post the master post?
It’s up to each individual pairing. You might prefer that your artist posts or your author might be the least busy and offer to do the honours. It doesn’t matter who does it, as long as it gets done.

When in my assigned day should I post?
It’s up to you. You can post at 00.01 in Australia’s time zone, or you could wait until 23.59 in California. As long as it’s the right day somewhere in the world that’s all that matters.

How should I tag my post?
Please use the following tags:
!2013 reverse

What should the subject line of the master post be?
Your subject line should be the title of the story/artwork.

What should the master post look like?
Please format your post as follows:
Story Title Here
Link to art:
Word Count:
Link to fic:

Can I use an image in the master post?
Yes. You may include one piece of artwork in the master post. But please bear in mind, the artwork must be 500x500px or smaller.
It’s up to you/your partner whether artwork is embedded into the post for the fiction.

Do I have to use the same formatting when I post to my journal?
It’s not necessary, but some people find it easier to copy and paste the same information from one post to the other. It’s up to you whether you use the formatting we have suggested, in the post on your own journal.
If you do not use our formatting then please remember to include a link to your author/artists’ work in your post.

I'm posting on Archive of Our Own, is there a tag/collection I should use?
Yes, you can use The Mentalist Reverse Big Bang 2013 in tags/collection and our tag/collection should come up.

When am I supposed to be posting my fic/art?
Our posting schedule is HERE.

!2013 reverse, !modpost, ~posting guidelines

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